I'll Stick Around

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That gif of izzy is supposed to be at line 28, but it was apparently too big to insert so its up there lol

I pulled Emerson aside at work. I toyed nervously with a beer bottle that a customer left on the bar. 

"So, I need to tell you something that you may, or may not like." I said uneasily

"Mhm, what?" 

"Well as you may know. Guns has finished recording their music, and Izzy asked me if-" I paused and gripped the bottle

"If?!" Emerson ushered me

I sighed,"Izzy asked me if I would be their hairstylist and makeup artist on their world tour. They leave in a few week." 

Emerson was silent.

"Well did you say yes?" She asked

I nodded.

"Well congrats. I'm glad that you'll be having some fun." Emerson smiled

"So, you'd watch Pandora and Galileo while I'm gone?" I asked, slightly baffled that Emerson hasn't put up a fight.

"Of course. Anything for you."

I looked at her oddly, trying to figure out if she was being sarcastic, or serious.


"Are you being serious?" I asked

"Yes! I am being serious. I want you to go have fun. Go, be with your Gunners." She grinned

"You don't understand how happy that makes me." I squeaked

I couldn't help but feel triumph and accomplished after telling Emerson. Part of me wanted Emerson to protest, and wish that I would stay and forever be her best friend. Ultimately though, I wanted her to be okay with me leaving. Either way, I was still going with Izzy. Something about him was just so comforting and familiar. Everything about him made me feel nervous. But not the kind of creepy nervous, the kind of nervousness that you get on a rollercoaster. The kind of nervousness that gives you butterflies and makes your face feel hot and tingly, the kind of nervousness that has the power to make your heart stop altogether.       

After hours of aimlessly daydreaming about Izzy's swirling eyes I arrived over at the Gunners house. Today is an important day for them, as they will be doing one of their first interviews. 

I walked around backstage, waiting for Izzy to be pulled away from the makeup artist that was smearing a brush across his face. 

"So, if the topic comes us, which I don't know if it will, will you allow us to tell the public your name and possibly have you come on the set?" Izzy asked, startling me from behind

"W-what?" I stammered

"Oh, yeah sure." I corrected myself

"Righto, great. Like I said, it may not come up but I would like it to."

I nodded and glided my foot across the floor, my shoe making an awfully loud squeaking sound. Izzy chuckled and was then ushered onto a set. 

I chewed at my fingernails while watching from behind the cameraman. Izzy didn't seem to have much interest in what the interviewer was saying. His eyes looked glazed over and it made me nervous, I didn't want the interviewer to think that Izzy wasn't interested in what was happening. 

(28)    Izzy caught my gaze and a large smile crossed his face, he waved. I mentally face palmed at his childish ways.

The attention was now turned around to me.

I smiled sheepishly and nervously waved my hand.

"Who are we smiling at?" The interviewer asked, looking past the cameras at me.

"Hannah!" Duff replied enthusiastically

"Yeah! She's Izzy's "best friend"" Steven said "More like lover." I heard him whisper

"She's going on tour with us, as our hair and makeup girl." Axl smiled

"And she's got a sick singing voice." Duff said

"Ah, so she's apart of your team. Do you mind if we bring her out here?" The interviewer asked

My stomach twisted into pretzel knots. I tried violently shaking my head no, but Axl smirked and said he would love it if I came on with them.

Izzy jumped off the couch, out of frame to come and grab me.

"Wait Izzy! I don't want to!" I whined

"Come on, it won't be that bad. If I can do it, you surely can." 

I looked around frantically for a way out, but all the doors were blocked my large security guards. My throat burned, and suddenly felt very dry. I started to sweat nervously and my knees went weak, my hands shook.

"Don't worry." Izzy said and slipped his arm through mine and walked me back to the set. 

"Hey there! I hear you're Hannah Maddison!" The bubbly interviewer said

I couldn't get ahold of my voice, and nodded my head instead. Izzy ushered me to sit, but I was so stunned that I didn't move. He pulled me down with him. I was plopped in the middle of Duff and Izzy. 

"So I also hear, that you and Izzy Stradlin are pretty close." 

"Yeah." Izzy answered almost immediately, which made me feel relieved

"Can we hear you sing? These guys claim that your voice is the most angelic thing I'll hear." 

I anxiously looked over at Izzy with wild eyes, and back at the interviewer.

Did I really want to do this? Was I really going to sing on live television, where I could possibly screw up and make a fool of myself? Is my voice really that good? All of these thoughts ran around my mind, making me panic. 

To my dismay, the boys already answered for me, and had a guitar and microphone set up.

"W-wait." I said shakily

Everyone stopped to look at me. "Can...can Izzy sing with me?" I asked quietly

I was much too nervous to sing all by myself, alone. 

"Yeah, I'll sing with you." Izzy smiled 

Another guitar and microphone were brought out. The guys got up from the couch, leaving just Izzy and I. 

I didn't even have to tell Izzy what song I was going to play, because he already started strumming it. 

John Lennon's Imagine. 

Izzy let me take most of the lead, and sang in harmony with me. I closed my eyes and sang, so I didn't have to stare at a camera, and sometimes I would look over at Izzy or Duff to make me feel calmer. 

After we finished the people gushed in awe over my voice and asked why I wasn't in the music industry. 

I was glad that the interview was over. Being around all those people was too overwhelming for me.

The guys dropped me off at my apartment and told me they would be by in a few days to pick me back up for the start of the tour. 

In the meantime, I needed to pack my bags and make sure everything was settled before I left.

A/N The video above is of a girl named Holly Henry, her voice is stunning. It's what I imagine Hannah's voice would sound like, shy, quiet, but powerful. She has a youtube channel called hollymaezers, go check it out.

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I'll Stick Around - Foo Fighters 

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