Sticky Sweet

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"Izzy, what the hell is this?" I demand 

"What?" Izzy asks dumbly

"You know what! Why do you have this?" I ask again


"No! Tell me why you have this!" I stamp my foot

Izzy sighs, "Han I swear that isn't mine." 

"I don't believe you." I narrow my eyes

Izzy's eyes go dull and his body hunches over, "I'm trying, I really am." He says

"Do all of you guys do this?" I ask angrily

"Well, yeah. Steven, Slash...Duff, not so much but he does other stuff."


"No, Axl doesn't." 

"Then why do you do it!" 

"I don't know, I started and it's hard to stop, but I'm trying I really really am!" Izzy says

"This is unbelievable, I knew you guys smoked pot, but cocaine, heroin!" 

"And you never told me why?" I ask

"I wanted to protect you! I didn't want to expose you to this shit." Izzy says

"So you lied!?" 

"Hannah no-"

"Just stop, I don't want to hear it." I grumble and push past him

"God dammit, Hannah wait-" 

But I don't wait, I keep walking. I don't stop to say hi to Duff, or Steven, or anyone. They lied, all of them. Every single one of them. I was angry, and maybe I didn't understand what being addicted was like, but had they told me; I could've helped. I couldn't avoid the guys for very long, since I was stuck in a bus with them for the next ten hours.

I went into the back bedroom that Axl mostly claimed. It was dark when I entered, and I locked the door behind me. I flopped down on the bed and sighed heavily.

"Hannah?" A voice out of no where came

I jumped up and screamed as a pair of green eyes gleamed at me.

"Axl what the hell?" I grumbled

"Sorry, but I think this is my room."

"Whatever." I mumbled unkindly

"Hey, whats wrong?" 

"What makes you think anythings wrong?" I snapped

"That. You're mad. I can tell." Axl answered

"Tell me what's up." Axl said, I stared at the wall 

"Come on, I don't bite." 

"You guys use cocaine and heroin. Since when? And why did nobody tell me that you guys did deadly, illegal drugs?" I stated

"I see," Axl sighed, "You've finally found out."

"Yeah, I have." I said bitterly

"Well I don't, really. But the others do."

"How could you all keep this from me?" 

"We just didn't want you knowing, they thought it would be best if you weren't exposed to it," Axl answered

"I know, I get annoyed with them too. But addiction is hard man. It's so hard to beat. And Izzy, Izzy's been working hard on quitting."

"But you guys lied to me. I thought we told each other everything. Remember, no secrets?" I cross my arms

"Well, lied sounds a bit harsh. We just...didn't mention it." Axl said

"No! You lied."

"At this point I don't care if one of you overdoses! You deserve it!" I spat

Axl's eyes grew wide as he stared back at me. Realizing what I had just said; I instantly regretted it.

"Ouch." He mumbled

"I-I didn't mean that. I'm sorry." I said quietly

"I can tell you're really upset. Look, we're sorry okay? Addiction wears you down. Even if you wanna quit, it holds you back. But Iz had enough strength in him to beat it." Axl said

"What about Duff a-and Steven! Do you guys just not care if they die?" I ask

"We do, if we see they're really fucked up we tell 'em to fucking lay off." 

I got up from the bed and went to the door,

"Just know Iz is sorry. We all are." Axl said, I clicked the door shut behind me and sighed

"Hey, there's my angel!" Izzy said with a smile

"How are you, love?" Izzy asked, putting an arm around me, but  I threw it off

"Hey, did I tell you how much I adore you?" Izzy said, cracking a smile

"No." I said flatly 

Izzy put his arms around me, and his facial hair stubble tickled my face as he tried placing kisses all over my face, making me laugh and smile even though I didn't want to.

"Izzyyyyy." I groaned

"Hannahhhh." Izzy mimicked 

I managed to push him away, still smiling.



"That smile of yours baby, its beautiful." Izzy said

I smiled wider, "Hey don't think you can get out of this situation acting like that."

"Like what, huh?" He smirked

"All mushy, and lovey."

"Well, I do love you a lot." Izzy grinned pulling me back into his arms and kissing me again, making me laugh

"You piss me off, Stradlin." I said

"You know you love me." Izzy grinned a cheeky smile

"Unfortunately." I sighed

"Oh shut up." He said, pressing a kiss to my lips this time

"This isn't over." I stated

"Alright, baby." Izzy winked

"Stop!" I grinned, with reddening cheeks

Izzy laughed and hugged me tightly, "I am really sorry for not telling you though."

"It's okay, I understand...kinda."

"I'm still mad at you guys though." I said

"Understandable. We're a bunch of untrustworthy, dirty rockstars, that don't know how to function." Izzy said, I laughed

"Why are you mad at us?" Duff asked

"She found your guys' stash, and I told you to fucking hide it. Not put it in the cabinet under the sink." Izzy rolled his eyes

"Oh..." Duff faltered

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this, Han." Duff said softly

"It's okay. I just don't want you guys to die." I half smiled, a cheesy smile

"We don't get rid of that easy." Duff winked

"I know," I grinned

"And I don't let go that easy."

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