Chapter 3 Glowing

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Thanks Sophia

***Coles Pov

I watched as my mates body started glowing her eyes shot open and and they were Gold meaning her wolf was in full control.Gold flushed her tattoos.Shining brightly.

"KATE"Lucy screamed.

"KATE 'I yelled

I started running towards her when a voice came into my head.

Cole dont"Sky innocent voice said in my head

"Where is Kate ??"

"Um she is a bit busy at the moment can i take a message

"SKY "

"She feel unconscious its ok we arent dead yet No grave can hold our body down"

"Is she ok ??"

"I have no clue but i can keep us alive she has been through a lot of pain the last 6 months so it might just take sometime for her to recover from all of the pain"

"Who did this to her ??"


"I Will Kill him"

"No dont "

"Why not"

"Because if you kill him you kill me and Kate as well"

"How ??"

"We haven't rejected and we haven't been marked "

"Oh shit what if i just mark you here now "

"You cant and you know Kate will kick your ass if you do "

"You will both be ours eventually"

"I know but not tonight I never said you couldn't beat the shit out of him though"

That was all i needed to hear. Kate's body had gone back to normal and her heart rate was steady.My pack doctor took charge of her care.

He started poking needle into her arm and all that crap.

"Alright she is stable she will be awake in a few hours but we need to get her to the pack hospital Alpha so I can asses the damage "My pack doctor said to me.

"Hold on your not taking her anywhere she belong with me "Luke yelled at my pack doctor.

"Whos stopping us "I snapped

"Me SHE BELONGS TO ME "He yelled.

"What are you going to do??Huh Make her live with you for you to go fuck her whenever you want or so you can finish the job off properly this time and actually kill her "

"None of this is my fault"

"No your right "

"Its all your fault"

"Cole Kate will be returning with me to my pack lands ."Dan said

I looked at him and glared.

"But you will be able to come too "He added.

"And what about me??"Luke said

"YOU dont EVER go near my sister again "

"You cant do that!!!!!!Whats stopping me from taking her then marking her "This made me growl very possessively and step closer towards Kate.He might try something so i need to be prepeared.

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