Chapter 21 fire part 2

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***Kates Pov

I seen Fin in his wolf form and he had Daisy underneath him.He was growling at something.I ran straight towards him. Nudging him with my wolf.


Fin come on we have to go the fire is getting worse we dont have long.

Luna there are rouges "Fin said

"Yes i know"

"Luna Right there"

I looked to where he was growling their stood 6 wolves with grins on their faces snarling.Holly shit .

"Fin shit back grabbed daisy put her on my pack and you get on too"

He shifted into his human form and grabbed Daisy.He pulled on my fur and pulled himself up.

They shifted into their human forms and i seen who they were .





Oh fucken great.

"Hold on "I said to Fin

I took off in a running sprint in the need of getting as far away as i possibly could.


"Kate i see you just keep running towards the cliffs"Buzzer replied.We ran through all the fire and jumped over and under burning branches.


I turnt my head only to be meet by 4 wolves right on my tale.I sped up.

"Kate i cant hold much longer"I looked around an saw the fire was getting worse.The smoke had gone black which meant it was going to be more deadly.

"Get to that cliff face over to my right "I ordered.I started running towards it.

Looking behind me i see them coming right behind me barking and snapping.The Flames rises right in front of me they come out of absolute no where.

The herds are running everywhere.Dodging them as best as i could trying to keep the kids on my back was alot harder than it sounds.Deer running and jumping trying to escape the fire.

"T bone get on the winch and get as close as you can to the cliff face."

"OK"A few moments later he started coming down and i started to increase my speed leaped of the rock and turnt my head to my back and grabbed fin by his collar and out him in front of me like i was carrying a pup in my mouth.And dug my claws into the cliff face.Fin was holding onto my neck for support..

T bone swung himself to the cliff and extended his claws to stay attached to the cliff face.

"Alright Fin come to me "He ordered.

Fin climbed out of me and took Daisy with him i lost my footing on my right back leg and started sliding down which made me dig my claws in further.

"KATE HOLD ON I WILL GET YOU NEXT"T bone yelled as he was harnessing Fin and Daisy onto him.

He let go of the cliff face and flung back out into the middle when i saw a black blur flying towards them but this thing had yellow eyes.

He was going straight for T bone and the kids.I loosened my grip on the cliff face.



I flung my self of the cliff and straight at the Black wolf who i think is Dyson and go straight for his neck.I barked and snarled as we flew through the air hitting into a big rock.

I let go off him and fell down to the ground and into the stream that goes too the lake.I turnt around and saw them all coming i turnt around and started running down the stream.

The fire was everywhere.

There was no escape

***Unknown Pov**

"KATES IN TROUBLE "Tom yelled over the phone.My heart raced.

"What whats happened ??"

"They are here They got her trapped up in spring lake "


"MEET ME AT THE TOP OF THE RANGE"I grabbed my things and yelled at my Beta .

"Yeah i am coming "Tom said .


"WHAT JAKE"He said storming in.

"Its time "His face lit up.Time for some revenge that has been coming for so long coming.

We have only just moved well come home back from Ireland.Tom is my best friend and once i heard about what happened to my baby sister when i was gone.I haven't seen her for a long time about 4 or 5 years ago.

My parents sent me away cause Dan was better Alpha material than me.Me and Kate were close.When she was kidnapped it broke my heart i was 17 when she was Kidnapped i spent day and night looking for her but my parents sort it as the perfect opportunity to get rid of me while Kate was gone.

Well actually i cant really say got rid off.They shipped me off to my Uncles pack in Ireland with a bunch of the others that wanted to join me.My mate Julie knows what i have been through and knows that Kate means a lot to me.

I will go to war for my baby sister and this time i will tell her who i am and i will lift the order my parents have on everyone to not speak of my name or mention me to Kate.

The whole reason they dont like me is because Kate would listen to me and not them and I am powerful just like Kate i could disobey them and overthrow their orders but she is something more powerful than me im faster and stronger but i cant heal like Kate.

Tom was sent by the moon goddess but also by me to protect my sister at all costs.He is My beta technically but also my top warrior and best friend.He does have Alpha blood but he also has healer blood in him like Kate.But shit he is no where near as strong as her.

The whole reason Kate cant remember me anymore is because she was terrified.Because what the bastards did to her.The person they projected into her mind of being tortured and killed because of her was me.

My Wolfs parents told Sky to lock away every memory of me as it would only hurt her Sky didn't want too,But as Kate was so young when they tortured the living fuck out her.Sky didn't have the energy to fight them and their order as if she did Kate would have died .

Im going to go save my sister and expose my parents for what they have done.

"Get the men READY "

"YES Alpha Jake "

"Lets go get my baby sister back "

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