Chapter 27 Princess

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Thanks Sophia
**kates pov


Then the force it my chest which sent me flying back my breathing increased to fifty beats a second I was grabbing at my chest trying to see if it went through the vest or not when buzzer ran over to me and grabbed my vest ripping it off.Cole was at my side seconds after.

"KATEE "I heard yells.

I tried getting up but buzzer pushed me straight back down.

"Hold on I have to check it didn't go through "

"Your good  it's ok it didn't go through it got the cavla "

Thank the god for that.
buzzer and Cole helped me up I saw my brothers and Casey were bringing 2 men towards us I smelt the air rouges definitely .
They started helping me towards the car but when one of the rouges say something I thought I would ever hear again.

"Where's the hoe bag Violet and  Zara "I recognised that fucking voice. I turned  my head and seen him smirking oh yeah that's the fucker that killed Zara.

This made me push Buzzer and my mate off of me I stalked over to him and grabbed him by the collar and punched him straight in the mouth.
"You fucker "I spat laying into him I kept on repeatedly punching him.


I punched him again.
"Or what you won't kill me "
He thinks I'm bluffing.i will show him.i pulled my gun from my holster an raised it to his hea.

"Who the fuck sent you "

"You don't have the guts too "
"Oh really"he just smirked.

I lowered my gun and stood up straight my brother pulled him  up and then I turnt around and shot him in the leg. Buzzer just pissed himself laughing.

"Right now since we got that sorted I'm going to ask again who sent you ??"


That's it.

Buzzer T bone lets go "


To kill, this mother fucker

We though you would never ask

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