Chapter 17 Kayla's Valley

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***Kate's Pov

As we fly in silence to Kayla's Valley.I start to think of what i could have done to stop this from happening its my fault he is dead this is all my fault if i had just seen it coming i could have saved him.A stray tear slid down my face.

One of the other pilots had came to fly us there as none of us were fit to fly as we were to upset.

T-bone seen it and wiped it off my check.

"Kate dont you blame yourself okay ??"

"Its my fault T "I sobbed

"Kate he wasnt happy Sweetheart he didn't like how he was living he hated how much He missed Kayla he was going to give up as soon as he knew you were going to be safe"He said

"He what ??"

"He was going to end his life as soon as he knew their was no danger to you he didn't like living without her thats why he always did extra shift work and was always the one to go under cover and do all the dangerous missions.He didn't care if he lived or died as long as he died for something"

"He died for nothing "I sobbed.

"No Kate he didn't he died protecting you "Buzzer said

"We are coming up on Kayla's Valley "The pilot said

We all fell silent,I looked at the boys and we all nodded.

"Lets bring him home "Buzzer said

"Luna we gotta be outta here as soon as possible "

He landed the helicopter and we all walked out T bone grabbed the stretcher and Buzzer grabbed the Black body bag and 3spot lights.

We looked around trying to find his body.Our eyes and spotlights were scanning the meadow trying to find our friend.I looked around than my eyes caught him.

"Over there "I pointed and we ran over to him.He was against a tree facing the mountains and watching the stars in the Sky.His chest was covered in blood.His eyes where open and he had a smile on his face.The chopper was echoing throughout the valley.

"Come on buddy lets go home "Buzzer and T-bone layed out the body bag.Buzzer grabbed his chest and T-bone grabbed his legs and i grabbed his head and supported it.We gently placed him in the body bag and the boys were pulling out the stretcher while i was ever so slightly zipping up the bag.

I stopped at his face he was smiling these wounds looks like he didn't die quickly a tear escaped my eye and dropped onto his face.Buzzer put a hand on my shoulder and nodded at me.I put my hands to his eyes and pushed his eye lids down.

Buzzer zipped up the rest of the bag.Then lifted him up onto the stretcher.We all picked up a side each and started carrying him towards the chopper which was blowing shit everywhere .We slid the stretcher into the chopper and belted it down.Buzzer and T-bone got in I turn the back and looked at the valley which was lit up by the stars and the moon but mainly the choppers search lights.

I than turns back and took buzzers hand.  Sass.

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