Chapter 35 Tight ass

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I'm going to be writing a new book as soon as this one is finished hopefully finished within a few weeks need to have some final ideas please tell me what you want Kate to have in the end.

And make sure you guys share an tell all ya friends. Make sure you guys are following if you want to read the new book which should have its first chapters up by the end of the school holidays


Sophia xxx

***Kate's Pov

" do you Lucy Goldberg take Casey redstone to be your lawfully wedd husband to have and hold in sickness and in health for richest or for poorer forvever and ever as long as you both shall live ??"
"I do"

"And do you Casey redstone take Lucy Goldberg to be your lawfully weed wife to have and to hold in sickness and in health for richest or for poorer forever and ever as long as you both live ??,

"Hell yeah I do " Casey said excitedly.

Typical bloody men

As if on cue Lucy mind linked me

Typical fucken men

You got the one right there

You could say that again

You got that one right there

And typical fucken Kate

Excuse me darling you are suppose to be getting married so chop chop I'm bloody hungry and I'm dying for a drink.

Lucky you I'm not allowed to drink Casey thinks that women aren't allowed to drink

Oh really !!!

Yes and it sucks so much Kate oh and don't tell him what we did the other night he will blow a fucken nut.

What a sexiest bastard

Kate that's my mate

I'm sorry are you telling someone who actually gives two fucks.

Shhhh Kate I'm meant to be focusing

Who cares man not like you can leave him anyway see that massive ass hikie on your neck that is proof that you can't leave him.

Kate shhh

Fine Jesus.

"In the power invested in me by Google I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride "

Casey your a fucken tight ass

Am not

Are so

How am I tight ass you are like the queen off tight asses you want to get married in a court

Well at least he guy won't be a flipping drop kick out of prison that learns the lines of Google.

Haha well you do have a point there

And what's this shit about Lucy not being able to drink who died and made you goddess

Well Kate she is my mate



Why a int she allowed to drink??

Cause it's not healthy for her to drink

Pfft coming from you dickweed you drink like a bottle of brandy a night.

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