Chapter 30 She cant die

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Thanks Sophia
*** 10 more hours later
Third person

"Where the fuck is she ???" Cole barked smacking him in the face we had raided a house and found one of the rouges that had nabbed Kate.

"They came and took her to the house 8 hours ago "he replied chocking out the blood cole had been beating him so bad that he had started to couch up blood.

"Why are they changing location so much "Casey spoke up from the corner and died the rouge.

"I don't know but all is I know she doesn't have long "Cole growled he was upset that head yet not found Kate him and Saxon were missing Kate an Sky. Saxon had been howling as he had been hearing Sky's faint cries in his head but he knew it wasn't sky being toured it was Kate .

With all of the emotions running through Coles mind their was only one thing he wanted to do and that was to kill everyone who had anything to do with Kate's torture so he was going in for the kill when Jake pulled him back grabbing him.Telling him to stop and calm down or they won't find Kate.

"Why do you say that ??" Casey asked

"Because if she didn't break when she was here they said they were going to get cane to break her he is the only one that can make her scream "he said with a smirk. Everyone in the room glared and made disgusted noises at the man.

The rouge was getting off on the pleasure of every powerful person in the room feeling worried and sickened by the thought of their friend ,Sister Luna or in Coles case his mate was being tortured just so they could break her spirt and soul. Everyone Knew once she had given up Kate would become weaker and vulnerable.

Which would make the two strongest packs vulnerable. Perfect targets for rouges .

"That's fucken it "Cole yelled and went straight for the rouge his men grabbed him a don hauled him out of the house.

"Where is she ?"Casey snapped.

He was very annoyed he was losing his patience and his kindness was running thin ,he didn't like anyone talking bad about Kate who was his little sister that he never had she was his mates best friend and his children's god mother and Aunty. He lost track about how many times Kate has helped fight rouges off of their territory without even been asked she found out hey were in trouble and came with her her top fighters and helped get rid of the rouges. When his mate was threatened by a nutcase Kate tracked him down and killed him, when someone tried killing him in a fight Kate had his back , when his mate was in a tight spot Kate went in and got her out. That was only the few that were flashing through is mind but he knew there were many more times when she had saved his and his mate plus his packs asses. It was time to repay a debt that was long overdue.

"Ok im going. To ask you again where the fuck is she "he barked .

The rouge looked at Casey and Casey plan had went. According to plan he had scared the rouge shitless,God knows why he only asked him where she was twice.

"She is 3 hours drive north in Canada just over the border and near the Rocky Mountains you should catch her scent of not go to the back of the car outside under the tarp and there is a bag of clothes they belong to the guys that have got her and you might want to hurry cane has had her for a while" a voice spoke up a feminine voice.

"Who are you ??"Jake asked
Curious of the women.why would she tell them where Kate was they were the enemy.

"I'm a person that owes Kate a lot "

"How do you know my sister??"

"She saved my nieces gave her a chance at life she treated them well I met her before she was a very lovely sweet girl she was always kind to us omegas never treated us differently would always cook us meals invite us around for dinner, to the beach and for picnics she saved a lot of us. My nieces especially but then Winton killed them "

"Your violets and Zara's aunt ??"Casey asked.

"Yes that's right "

"Claire shit the fuck up you stupid slut what have you done "

"Shut the fuck up "Casey said clenching his fist before smashing it into The rouges faces.

"You killed them you bastard "She spat.

"Please you do need to hurry she doesn't have long the poor girl didn't look good when I seen her last you need to save her she can't die "

" how long ago was that ??"

"9 hours ago "

"Shit you need to come with us let her up put her out of those chains she rides with us "Casey said.

"Ring Axel and Jaycee tell them to meet us there with their packs tell them to scout add kill or capture their patrols " Casey said.

They sped off on the direction of the Canadian Rocky Mountains .

Kate's Pov what happens during the ten hours.

"Hello beautiful "canes voice said through my voice.

He grabbed my chin roughly to make me look at him and for me to open my eyes he has mask on.which scared me. I let out a sob and tried looking anywhere but him.

Not Like there was anything good to look at.

"I will be back in a minute I have a big surprise for you "he said in his clown voice. This made me scared it brought back many terrifying memories I barely had the energy to do anything about it. Some guys I had never seen before had been beating the living hell out of me for about the last I don't know.

I lost track of time. The seconds are like minutes the minutes are hours and the hours are days .

Looking Around the room it looked more worse than the last time they had me when I was younger at least it didn't have so many chains and it was reasonably clean.

This room had hold rusty bars I was changed hanging down from the wall the thing holding me up right was my arms. Their was water on the floor that had now turnt red as the blood from my stomach had been dropping down into it. The room smelt dead inside ,it was damp and it was cold it was also very dark the only light was in the middle of the room.

I felt the dry blood on my face it was all over I felt the sweat on my forehead. Sky had stopped talking to me when they pumped me full of silver. Which of course is slowing down my healing. I have no clue how long I have been here for but all I know is that I have Ben shifted around about 3 times and I was now planning my revenge.

I just need to get out of these chains. I felt my feet ones being loose but I couldn't try and shake them off when the guard was right there watching.i will have to wait and when I get a chance to take the moment to get out of these my plan was brilliant.

Until I seen cane walking in with the last thing I wanted to see..

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