Chapter 26 Farewell my friend

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Hey guys 

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Word of advice get the box of tissues ready for the next few chapters.

Comment on what you thinks going to happen next.

Thanks heaps


*** Kate's pov.

"I will see you at the chapel "I say to my mate.

"Okay Kate  are you sure your going to be okay Today "

Was I going to be okay today ??

"Yeah I will be fine"

"Ok I will see you later after the funeral okay baby "he said.I nodded and kissed his very soft lips which than turns. Into a full on make out session. When I finally pulled away to catch my breath he Just smirked and came in for another session which I sadly had to decline. I put my hand on his chest.

"Cole I need to go my friends need me "

"We haven't finished though"I quickly added and said so innocently his face just looked full of joy.

"Mm mms like the sound of that "

"Okkk I have to go now ok Bye see you soon "

"Bye baby love "

"Love you too "

With that I grabbed my duffle bag with my dress in it for the after party,I grabbed my keys and walked out to my garage and got into my baby and drove the less than 5 minute walk down to the club house but the chapel was about 20 minutes away and we were all going to leave our cars at the club house and go in the unit vehicles.

Which were.

2 black SUVs

2dodge chargers

2black BMW sedans

3 American muscle cars

9 dirtbikes.


Hell we even have our own jet skis we have a few boats ,a race car everything really.

As we can't use our own cars in case we caught or something. When my grandfather first set up the invaders team up it was just a punch of friends that were here to protect the pack and do out of pack missions and to back up their Alpha in the A.L.T.

I drove down the drive way and was followed by the rest of the teams cars all of my men were pulling out of the driveways and were following me down to the club house.i was going to be doing all of the speaking as I am the Alpha and the captain of the squadron.I will only be going through my personal thoughts the the preset can do all of the other Shit.

When we also pulled up into the little opening about 16 metres away from. The actual club house we all parked a. Got out. We hugged each other than all walked in.

Buzzer and t bone had stayed the night here.They didn't want to leave Richard alone.

I missed him.i missed calling himdick,him glaring at me for doing something I shouldn't have done he was worse than my mum but hell all friends are like that , I missed him being the one to never get the dirty jokes till 5 minutes after they've had been said ,I missed his entertaining laugh,all of his dry jokes that needed a throat lolly after he said them  ,I missed my big brother..

"Ok guys we have 3hours "I said
They all just nodded.

We say their looking at the casket on the bed that once use to be Richards.

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