Chapter12 Danger

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Sophia 2334

*** Kate's pov Christmas morning

"Katie wake up wake up"Hayden yelled jumping up and down on me.I groaned and turnt into something solid I pecked my eyes open I'm surprise that something or someone else was in my bed.I felt a strong arm around my waist.

I opened my eyes to see Tom still sleeping in peaceful I'm his sleep until Hayden got off of me and started jumping up and down on him.which made his eyes open In shock then his face softened once his eyes laid on me and my brother.

"Merry Christmas "Hayden Yelled.
He turnt his head to me and smiled I nodded my head at him and he jumped up and tackled Hayden on my bed.

"Merry Christmas buddy "Tom said.I lazily got out of bed and walked over to daisy cot that was right next to my bed and picked her up.She was wide awake and playing with my hair.

"Come on Hayden lets go wake up Aunty and uncle and your brothers ae?!"Tom said in his Cheeky voice.Hayden smiled a this idea then gave a cheeky grin and what he said in next blew my mind.

"I have a better idea lets go wake up the whole pack"

"Hayden"I said I'm my warning tone .

"But Katie "he whined

"Hayden "

"Okay Katie I won't "Hayden promised

"Not yet anyway "Hayden added.with a smirk I just couldn't hold in my laughter and started laughing my ass off.
When I calmed down from my laughing fit.i turnt to Tom who was also laughing and looked at him.he went into a small smile and than gave me a sweet innocent smile.Which I fell for.

"Tom you are meant to be a good influence in my little brother not encouraging this sort of behaviour "he just smirked at me .

He put Hayden on the ground as I was placing Dasiy on the bed to change her into little dress.i watched out of the corner my eye as he was coming towards me.

"Come on Kate you Are a bad girl too "he said grabbing my waist and throwing me on the bed.
"I think it's time for you to get your punishment you have been. A bad girl "

"Oh really ?..

"Yes "Hayden answered and ran up and jumped on me he started to tickle me and so did Tom.

***30minutes later 8am

We walked down stairs as the kids where just waking up everyone in the house.Lucy walked down with Roasline an I walked down with daisy Dans mate ruby walked down with her big belly.
Ruby is much better than nick mate crystal and Johnny's mate Angel.

Ruby is more innocent then those hoe bags as me Lucy call them.

As the kids begun unwrapping their things from Santa there was a knock at the door.I walked up to the door and unlocked it and opened it.

What the fuck ??

My parents where standing right infront of me.I was Spechless.

"Kate who is at the door "Dan yelled.After a few seconds of me not replying i heard loud thuds running down the hallway.

"What are you doing here "Dan snapped.Pushing me behind him.

"Dan its Christmas "My mother reminded him.

"Kate are they allowed to come in "

"Well why the fuck not every other Asshole is here"I turnt around and walked.

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