Chapter 28 Scream

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Thanks so much for reading my book no idea how much it means to me.



P.s keep tissues near you

***Buzzers Pov 7 hours after Kate left.

Right I'm going to find Kate it's my only option.

I run to the clubhouse and grab my keys for my jeep which is parked right next to the Suv. I jumped in and quickly reversed out of the car park fast and zoomed out of the long of road driveway . Trying to find Kate .

2 and half hours of searching later.

I heard the ear piercing scream not far from me. I grabbed my ears and held onto them as tight as I could. When it stopped I sped in the direction of where the scream had come from.

After 5 minutes of driving two times the limit. I jumped out of the car and When I saw the scene in front of my eyes my heart broke.

I ran back to the jeep and grabbed the radio.

I need help somebody help send help to the old vine country road now I need the chopper now

Buzz what's happened ??Jake and Tbone asked

I don't know

What do you mean ??

It looks like something out of a horror movie .

*** Kates pov

Looking my rear-view mirror I see my friends flashlights in my mirror. I just kept going at normal speed than I watched Buzzer increase his speed in the suv. What the fuck is he up too ??
That's when I noticed the other two black cars behind him,oh fuck .

I pushed my foot down to the accelerate pedal and pushed like there was no tomorrow.

One of them rammed me then the other one pushed up my right side than hard turn to the left to avoid a power pole I flipped and turned about 6 times before finally crashing.

Glass flew everywhere.Everything in the car went flying round.i shut my eyes and held onto the top of the roof trying to stable my self but it didn't really work.I felt my head fly forwards and smash it against the steering wheel.

I looked outside the car through the window and seen 9 men.All coming straight for me in clown masks.I struggled to get my belt of my hands were still shaking from the impact. I seen blood coming out from stomach and then see the large piece of glass sticking out of it. I most likely shouldn't have done this but I did I pulled it out. Which made me have a little whimper.

I tried clicking the seat belt undone but it wouldn't budge I lifted my right leg up aiming to get into my boot to get my knife when I finally managed to get it up that far I pulled the knife out and grabbed the seat belt and cut it it caused me to fall straight to the ground of the car well the roof.I pulled my vest off and seen the blood pouring out.I shoved my hand there, It hurt so much when had apllied pressure.

I pulled my gun out its holster and kicked my door open and crawled out and then I took a shot and one of them went down to the ground,the others shifted into their wolves. Fucking great.

They all started running towards me when 10 wolves jumped out of no where.


They all begun fighting with the others wolves trying to rip them to shreds. My nose started to bleed and so did my ears.I feel to the ground and hit my head on the pavement.

The light brown wolf looked at me it was her worst mistake the chocolate wolf then went to lunge at her throat but the big black wolf got in the way but he was to slow the chocolate wolf ripped his throat out.My eyes widened.

"Nooo"I cried .

The little brown wolf then howled she looked me in the eyes thats when i realized who it was. Before i had any time to react.They attacked killing all of the men that had ran me off of the road. Half of the wolves that had come to help me were dead but so were most of the men that had tired killing me. The little Brown wolf ran over to the wolf ran over to the wolf that had saved her.

She begun whimpering tears stinged my eyes.

I watched as she said goodbye to her mate.She watched him die and she was by his side. She let a howl out to let everyone know that their Alpha had died.

One of the men that were still alive than raised his gun.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"I screamed. The gun echoed through the air.

Pushing myself off of the ground i ran over to my Daughter and held her tight in my arms.

"Come on sweetie hang in their hang in there okay/"I cried.

"Somebody Help"I cried.


I put my hands on her wounds and started healing them but i was only taking her pain.

"Please dont leave me please"

I felt her pulse start to drop.

"Zoe"I whispered.Tears started dropping down my face.

Her eyes started to close.She turnt her head to her mate.I quickly picked her up and ran her over to her mate I gently placed her on the ground next to her mate.


I put my head down to her head and kissing her check.

I tried taking her pain but it wasnt do anything.Just making her go more peacefully.

She looked up at me and i watched a tear slid down her face.

"Goodbye mum"Her voice said through my head.

"Goodbye sweetheart "Sky replied.

She closed her eye.The grief took over.I let out a death blowing scream.

I watched 2 men that had killed all of these wolves on the phone to somebody when i raised my teary eyes.I looked at them my heart set on revenge.

They killed my daughter.

Placing my daughter gently on the ground.

I looked up at the men who were now advancing on me Another car had pulled up.5 More men had pilled out of the car i dropped my knife on the ground next to My daughters lifeless body.

My blood was still dripping down on the ground leaking through my shirt .I left my gun by the side of car and turnt my head back to them and they had now started running towards me.

I started hobbling towards the car i tripped and looked behind me/I seen them sprinting towards me.I reached for my gun i was only inches away when my ankles were grabbed.I was turned around onto my back and punched repeatedly.

Just as i planned they picked me and i felt myself being put into a car.And being drove of i felt the moment we left my territory.

This is when i knew i was going back to hell.

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