Chapter 31 Guilty

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***Kate's Pov

He waved hot sharp blades around in front of me trying to scare me and it was working, I let out a freighted sob. He had just started doing his evil laugh.

Which sent me up on my knees grabbing onto the the chains that hold my body up.

I take a breath, telling myself I refuse to scream I refuse to cry I refuse to be scared. I will not let him win.I am a warrior not a scared little girl .

I'm not going to be the one to plea for Mersey . I will fight and I'm going to kill this mother fucker if it's the last thing I ever do.

No one will ever be harmed by this mongrel again.

He put the blade on my lower skin.

That's when my plan flew out the window the hot blade was made offer silver and was burning into me.

I tried holding myself up by wrapping the chains wrists and taking the pain out on the chains.

He held it on my cut and I let out a scream in absolute pain.

"Aghhhh"I screamed in pain. My knees begun to shake my cut had reopened and the the blood had started dripping down my stomach yet again

Saxon Dante please help he is going to kill her"Sky screams.

"Going to break yet ???"

I shook my head in a no and tried getting my balance to stand up on my own to feet and I  he just shook his head and landed a punch to my head.

Which sent me back to the ground my arms being pulled up by the chains,I felt it stretching all my muscles to the max I could feel them stretching.

It hurt so bad, he then went to my stomach and hit me in my rib cage instantly breaking a few ribs with the amount of force he was hitting me with.

It felt like rocks being smashed against them.

I felt a substance coming up my throat and he stood back then I coughed and blood shot out of my blood,I felt it dripping down from lips and running down my face, my nose had also started bleeding but that would have been from when he punched.

He stepped back an just looked at me.

"What is the point in all of this why am I even bothering you have to much pride and are to stubborn to ever give i-"he stopped his face went blank then it turns into a smile.his face turnt to face me.

"Looks like your boyfriend and his mates decided to show up its killing time"

" You fucking mongrel "I spat standing up pulling my self up by using the chains.

"What do you think your doing did I say getup "he stalked towards me.

He was about to wrap him self around me when I pulled my feet out of the silver chains that held them down and jkicked him he went straight to the ground.

I pulled my legs up with the burst of energy I had just got and tangled my legs around his neck.

I started pulling up on the chains and grabbed onto the pole that had held onto the chains that were connected to my arms.

He struggled against my legs for a few seconds .

All of the memories started flashing through my mind about what he had done.

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