Chapter 39 Relax Day

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Thanks sophia

*** 12 days later .

Running through the forest,best thing to do on your day off. 

Not really but i deiced i would run the border for a bit of exercise as i haven't had much training either so i was planning on hitting the gym an fixing my car up too it got a bit banged up the other night so i was going to take it to the club house to fix it in the workshop. Then i was going to visit my dad and the kids at there new house it was 5 am in the morning an everyone was still fast asleep.

Espically my mate i woke up at like 3 an i couldnt get back to sleep so i tried getting out of his arms but he had an iron grip on my waist becuase he coud smell it took me a whole twenty minutes to get out of his grip, to not wake him up i gave him my pillow. Then he wouldnt wake up because my scent was gone.

I left a note for him.

Dear my very noisy sleeper mate

I have gone for a run than im going to the gym then going to see dad an kids.

If ya need me mindlink me.

Love you 

Lots of love 

Kate xxx

Everyone had come back over for the weekend so we could plan the fucken wedding. Gosh i hate planning shit ,Well like planning wars is fun and very like Hard wedding is plain an simple one guy who says i do one chick who say i do then some person who says kiss the bride. Simple 

My paws felt so free hitting the earths surface. I felt free i let Sky take over as she had been dying to get out, ever since that rouge hurt my mate she has been very overprotective of everything and everyone she loves.

Even her non blood realtion Nephews and Neices, Actually espically children she is very over protective off kids even if they arent hers.

The wind hit my face like a hair dryer, it felt good. Being able to run without anyone near me. I was exploring my new territory for my first time alone and it was pretty beautiful. Plenty off waterfalls ,Valleys, Fields ,Small streams, Ponds and even a few lakes. The territory was beautiful. It made me homesick at the same time.

I just keep reminding my self we are here to start fresh and we are here for the good of the pack.

Sky was playing around in a Valley close to border at the moment trying to catch a bloody butterfly. Sometimes i wonder if she is still a pup or not. God does this girl worry me sometime though.

We finished our run and where heading back to the club house to fix up my car and do a bit of a work out.

When i got outside the Club house i shifted out behind a tree which is where we have put all of our Clothes and shit.

I chucked on my sweats and tank top. I opened the door and walked in too see the nigth shift watch just finishing.

"Hey James "

"Hey Kate "

"Hows your mum ??"

"She has been better but she will be fine she will get through it He tried calling yesterday than she got really upset "

His mum hasnt been taken it so well she just didnt want to accept the fact they are over and he is gone after my mum.

"What did he want !!!?"

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