Chapter 8 Guessed

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Dont forget some ideas on chapter.

Thanks heaps


***Third persons pov.

"The Vampire Venom is setting into her system and her body is rejecting it"The Mystery man said.

"WELL DO SOMETHING"Richard yelled.The truth was that he was worried about his Luna.But she wasnt just a Luna too him she was practically his little sister who he would love and protect from anyone that tried causing her harm.

"You might want to turn around then you wont like what i do next and she needs her mate so you need to call him."

"OKay i will call her mate Wait who are you ??"

"Im her new protector"The mystery man said

"A name would be great "

"Smith "He paused "Tom smith "

"Sure it is "

"Now turn around so i can do what i need to do so she wont die "When he said something about Kate potentially dying it made Richard and T bone growl.

They both turnaround facing the other direction to where Tom and Their Luna lay.

"Kate"He bent down so she could see him.She looked frightened and looked very scared and looked like she was in a lot of pain.

"I need you to take a deep breath when i countdown to 3 can you do that for me ??"She nodded her head.


"2"She took her final breath ..

"3'He grabbed her wrist and took a chunk out of it and she let out a death bellowing scream that echoed through the silent forest.It awoke all of the birds from their sleep and all the animals in the sleeping forest awoke and looked around the trees started to blow.

Coles wolf became on high alert.His stomach felt at unease something was not right.He looked at all of his friends and they all looked the same and felt the same as he did. A scream echoed through the forest in a split second Cole had shifted and was yelling at all of his Pack to get to his mate to protect their Luna,To save his Mate And they all shifted and went into a running sprint north of where they were.

Every single Wolf knew how valuable the Luna is to her pack.If she dies its only a matter of time before the pack dies.The Luna is more important then the Alpha in almost every situation.If the pack had to pick they would always choose to protect their Luna over their Alpha even though the Luna most likely would die once she knew her pack was in good hands so then she could finally rejoin her mate.

Richard an Tbone were fighting their wolves who were trying to regain control so they could protect Kate and Sky but the boys were fighting with them trying to get them to see reason but since Kate an Sky are their Luna an piratically little sister their wolves are very attached to each other.

As the Vampire venom slowly started to leave Kate's Body so did all of her blood.Her face started to go white all of the blood in her checks started draining away.The color in her face was slowly fading away.

The blood from her wrist rushed out of her and she was turning very weak.

"That should be enough"Tom said and quickly ripped his shirt and tied it around Kate's Wrist to stop the blood from flowing out like a water fall out of Kate's Body.

Tom looked down at Kate and Looked down at her wrist and noticed it wasnt healing,His light brown eyes widened it shock.He started to get worried as she kept on shutting her eyes.

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