Chapter 9

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Ashara walked into the throne room to meet her father. He was standing with his back faced to her looking at the golden throne.

"They are a threat,"he said coldly.

"Who," Ashara questioned.

"Those north men from the East Land," he stated. Ashara knew he was talking about Jon and the other Stark men.

"Father that is my lover and the north men I have always knew."

"We must eliminate them right away," he said as if he didn't hear Ashara. She ran up to him and he turned around.

"Ashara my dear, we must for the safety of Ariies and it's people."

"Father please," Ashar begged.

"Ariies has been kept secret for hundreds of years, I will not have a couple of Eastern Men ruin it."

There was a long uncomfortable silence before Cormag said, "They must die."

"Father no," Ashara said falling to her knees as tears trickled down her face.

"They must for the safety of Ariies."

"Father please! At least let Jon Snow live."

"And why would I do that."

"I love him," she almost shouted, "I can't bare to see anything horrible to happen to him, if there was, I couldn't live anymore."

Cormag let out a heavy desperate sigh out and said heavily on the golden throne.

"If you have any love for me, at all, you will let the men live. They can serve our army, they are good men, loyal men. They don't have families, I know this. Please Father," she begged and fell to her knees infront of.

Cormag's face soften into a slight smile as he touched her head. After only really knowing his daughter for a short while he knew as if he had known her for her whole life, just like her mother.

"Fine," he started as he stood up, "The north men can be a part of Ariies and Snow may be your squire."

Ashara stood up with joy and hugged her father happily.

Jon was not going to die, he was going to live, she thought smiling.

"You have a full day tomorrow, Dand said that he was to take you on a visit through the island, it is a couple day journey. Now go rest, my daughter."

Ashara quickly kissed her father's cheek and ran out to find Jon. Dodging servants in the hall to find Jon asleep on his makeshift bed, with the other Stark men on their beds. She knelt beside him and tuged at his shoulder, but he grunted and kept on sleeping.

"Jon, Jon guess what, Father says you can stay, as my squire. You and the your men are going to live," she said to him.

"Well that's good news," Jon said smiling and turning to look at her.

A smile spread across her face and it then crept onto Jon's face. Then the pair burst out laughing together.

"Why are we so odd Jon," she asked between laughs.

"You're the one who's odd," he chuckled.

"You are."

"Maybe that's why we're perfect for each other," Jon said as he pecked her lips which made her blush.

"Your highness," a voice came from behind. A female servant with messy short blonde spoke softly, "Lord Dand is here to see you."

"Thank you, send him in, please,"she replied.

Dand entered swiftly and nodded to Jon who gave no welcome.

"Ashara you know of the trip of the kingdom tomorrow," he asked.

"Yes, Cormag informed me."

"I was just coming to see if there was anything specific you needed for the trip, it is a three day journey."

"I'm fine Dand thank you," she said. Dand bowed quickly and left.

Ashara turned back Jon who had a scowl across his face.

"What's wrong?"

'I don't like that Dand," he said sourly.

"Lighten up," she replied poking his shoulder. Then Ashara got an idea. "Jon why don't you come with me?"

Jon's face lit up.

"That would be grand."

"It's settled, you'll come with us on the trip."

Ashara placed her hands on Jon's shoulders.

"I think my father needed to speak with you," she said as they touched noses.

"Hmmmm, I see," Jon said with eyes closed.

"And I need to get to bed," Ashara breathed.

"Good night your highness."

They shared a passionate kiss and parted their ways.

Ashara fell asleep happy and in love.









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