Chapter 22

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Ashara was shocked at the women's words. She knew her mother was a wildling, Cormag had told her. It was more hard to tell, she couldn't even see her face.

"Remove your hood," she demanded slightly lowering her bow.

The women removed her hood and hair almost identical to Ashara's sprawled out from her hood. Ashara looked at an almost older version of herself, she stood there shocked.

"This can't be," Ashara said her voice shaking and still holding her bow.

"I know you are overwhelmed right now but it took me so long to find you," the lady spoke.

"Who are you?"

"I am Loiola Vata, your mother," the women answered.

"My father told me... he told me," Ashara started, as her hands gripped tighter on the body of the bow, until her knuckles turned red.

"That I was gone and I didn't care, I know," Loiola spoke camly.

"Why did you even come back," Ashara asked.

"I needed to see you, your father said that I was a danger to you. After I gave birth to you, your father took you from me, and took you back to Ariies. And I think you know what happened next."

"I was sent away," Ashara said lowering her bow a little.

"I made the treck all the way from the other side of the Wall when I heard you were sent to Winterfell. But Cormag's guards stopped me and forced me on the other side of the wall and made sure I never came back until now," Loiola said looking at her boots.

Then something in Ashara snapped, it was some emotion out of her past pain and longing.

"You could have tried harder or tried again, or could have conviced Cormag to at least see me. I was abondoned by my father and by you. I was always denied the one thing I ever wanted, a real family, a mother to hold me and tell me she loved me, and a father to teach me right from wrong. No I was denied everything, until now," Ashara shouted at Loiola, "But now, I know what I need to do and I know where I have to go. I finally have a man to love me and a daughter whom I adore with all my heart. And now I am in an alliance that will free the people from Joffery's rule." Ashara finished huffing and almost out of breath. When Loiola could find no words Ashara turned on the heel of her boot and mounted onto Horas.

"Ashara wait," Loiola uttered.

"No," Ashara spat, "The mother I wanted would not let a wall or some guards get in her way, she would fight for everything she loved and cared about. And I am not one of those things."

Ashara turned Horas into the way of the camp.

"Oh Loiola, never speak to me again or try to find me," Ashara told as she kicked Horas and the two galloped quickly towards the camp.

Ashara tried to brush the tears from her eyes, she didn't want to look like a coward and a weakling infront of her men.

She quickly rushed into the main tent to find Robb, Jon, Ser Rodrik, Theon, and her men Oscar and Dommeric standing over a large table with a map on it.

The men stared at her for a moment, Oscar and Dommeric bowed polietly as their princess entered the main tent. Jon just looked at Ashara and ran over to her, Ashara litterally fell into his arms. She was cold under her dress and wool cloak. Jon was warm from the tent and being out of the cold. Ashara started sobbing as she embraced Jon, Ghost whimpered at their feet. Jon glared at the men in the tent, and they got the message and left. Jon carried Ashara to the bed and carefully lay her upon it. Jon knew Ashara was the strongest and bravest women ever, but all the things she had recently gone through. Finding out she is a princess, the central village attack, Jany, the baby that the monster man took away from them, Kukhuri, and their simple wedding. Now, Jon knew something else was bothering her, something fresh in her mind.

After Jon had held her and calmed her down, Jon asked, "Ashara my love, what is bothering you, and don't say nothing because I know something is on your beautiful mind."

Ashara took in a deep breath and explained to Jon that she went out to a small clearing to practice her archery. And then a wilding women came out of no where, claiming to be her mother. She told him about her hair and how she knew about her father and history. Jon was just as shocked about this as she was, he knew that she was a bastard like him. But, Jon relized that if the women had travelled this father and gone through so much heartache to see Ashara, that it would not be her real mother.

Ashara was just confused with everything, with her destiny. But, she relized the same as Jon and wished she had not been so horrible to Lolioa, her own mother. She shot staright up and sat facing Jon.

"What have I done," she whimpered to Jon who wrapped his arms around her frame, "I always wanted a mother, and when the real one comes along I chase her away. What have I done Jon? I am so horrible."

"You are not, never say that," Jon replied looking at her face. He brushed a strand of hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear, "You are just so overwhelmed."

At that moment Oscar rushed into the tent.

"Your highness," he said bowing, "I am sorry to intruid but there is something you must see."

"What is it," Jon asked sternly.

"We have captured at wildling women on the outskirts of the camp, she requested to be brought to you princess."

"Mother," she said to herself a little to loud, and ran out of the tent and dogded oncoming knights. She ran to a the path that led into the camp, and there Loiola was being escorted by Dommeric and another knight.

"Let her go immediatly," Ashara shouted to Dommeric and the knight as she ran towards them.

"Your grace, she is a criminal,a wildling," the knight spoke.

"Let her go," she demanded as she reached them.

"But your grace," Dommeric started.

"She is my mother let her go now," Ashara shouted. Dommeric and the knight hurried to untie the rope from Loiola's hands.

Ashara watched as Loiola rubbed her red wrists from the rough rope. Ashara couldn't stop herself, her instincts made her hug the women. Loiola was surely startled but hugged her daughter, this is what Loiola had travelled so far for. To see and hug and love her daughter.

Ashara told Loiola of her family in Winterfell and told her of staories of her childhood as the two strolled back to the main tent. Jon was waiting at the open tent flap as they returned, Ashara could see a slight smirk appear on his face.

"And who is this young man," Loiola asked as she was led into the warm tent, Ashara told her men that she was okay and that they could go get their rest.

"Mother, this is Jon Snow," Ashara introduced.

"Jon Arii now," Jon chuckled as he bowed to Loiloa.

"Your husband," Loiola questioned.

"Yes," Ashara replied shyly.

"I dreamed of being there for your wedding," Loiola smiled,"But, I am still overjoyed."

Jon grabbed Ashara by her side waist and pecked her cheek. Ashara blushed more than she wanted to.

"My guess it was out of love," Loiola chuckled.

"Indeed," Jon replied smiling down at Ashara.

"Cormag does not know, and nor do I, "Ashara said,"He tried to keep us apart but it did nothing."




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