Chapter 14

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Ashara held the dirty bottom of her dress up as she ran to the hawk tower where they keep all the hawks. She held two letters in her hand. One for Lord Ned Stark, informing him that she was ok and Jon was with her and about their engagment, and to keep it secret, the next letter was for the Targareyn Queen, the letter told about the Ariies kingdom, who Ashara was, the attack on the central village people by Joffery, she wanted them to be allies. All Ashara wanted was for Arries to be free and not be under any fear of attack.

There was a tuby man with a dark scruffy beard plopped on a stool in the tower. He was definately startled to see the princess herself up in his chamber tower.

"Princess," he clambered up to his stubby legs and bowed.

"No need to bow for me, I am Ashara, please I need two birds, the one that was sent to the Trgaryen Queen and another, for fastest bird what can be sent to the North, Westeros," she asked very politely.

"Indeed, right away," he stambered and ran off to fetch the birds.

Ashara had sent the birds off on their long jouney and it was now a week after. Janyance was now a member of the household, she had her own room and kept calling Ashara mother, and Jon had told her that she called him father. Life was grand, for the time being.

Ashara was walking in the lush gardens surrounding to Serpents Keep. She sat on the stone edge of a fountain as Lords and Ladies went about their buisness. Some bowed polietly, others payed no mind. She trailed her fingers in the waters when she heard running boots on the stone. Ashara looked up and saw Jon running towards her.

"Ashara, they're back," Jon stated, the hawks had returned.

Ashara quickly got to her feet and followed Jon to the Hawk Tower.

The grubby man who was there when Ashara sent out the letters was there again, holding two letters in his dirty chubby hands.

Ashara was in her chambers when she opened the first letter.

Dearest Ashara,

I am so overjoyed to hear that you and Jon are ok, and more thrilled to hear of your engagement. I will keep it a secret. I trust you are doing well as Princess. I remember when you first held a sword. You take care of Jon and more importantly, yourself. Until we meet again.

Lord Eddard Stark

Ashara smiled as she finished the letter, then open the next one.

Dear Ashara, Princess of the Ariies island and people,

I am Daenerys Targaryen, Righfull ruler of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.
 I recognize the rights and intependence of Arries. If we were to be allies I would need something from you. Many people are tired and angry with Joffery's unjust rule. I would need your help with the attack. My army of ships leaves in the new moon and we set sail north towards Winterfell to try for an alliance with the Starks. I am pleased you contacted me.

Ashara sent a letter back out to Ned telling her plan of Targaryen queen and her arrival to Winterfell. Ashara informed him that she would be back as soon as possible to the north, with Jon. Ashara then informed Dany that she would try to be there for her arrival.

Ashara found out that there were many men in the army that were willing to help her on her quest to vanquish Joffery. She had a secret meeting when the sun had gone down and the dark of night had settled in.

There were about twenty or so men in the armory waiting for her. The crowd hushed when she entered.

"Many of you don't know that there was an attack on the central village and that my girl Janyance was a child who survived. The attackers were none other than King Joffery of Westeros' army. He thinks that we are  a threat," she stated firmly and loudly. Some of the men grunted in confidence.

"And he is right, we are a threat. We are going to remove his scrawny ass from that throne and put the Queen of Dragons there. A queen who will let us govern ourselves and be independent. So who's with me?"

All the men cheered and started chanting Realm's Savior and Realm's Queen. Jon who was in the crowd started the chants and Ashara looked to him and started laughing. Ashara was lifted onto some men's soulders and led around the armory.

All the men were aware of the plan they would leave in three days. Four ships would be leaving in the middle of the night towards at port near Winterfell. Everything was packed on the ships and ready. All the soilders were told to tell no one of their buisness and plans.

Then the night came, Ashara was very sneaky in telling or giving no hints to Cormag. She dressed in a simple navy blue dress, similar to the ones people wear in Winterfell. She was to give no hints of Ariies or that she was nobility, a princess. She wore her cloak from Winterfell, a black wool one with fur trim.

All the men piled on the boats as quietly as they could. Horas and other horses were set on one ship with few crew. Jon was in his Stark wool cloak as well and looked as handsome as very. Ashara now wore the ring on her finger, she never did. She always kept it safely in ther pocket or in her jewlery box, but now was the first time since their engagment that she wore the ring. She stood on the deck as the boats set off.

Ariies became just a speck on the horizon, and them nothing, just open water.



Hey guys, how was the chapter? Hope you like it. Leave a coment on your favourite part of the chapter and why it was your favourite. PS I want to make a tralier does anyone know someone who would be able to do that for me, Thanks so much, leave a comment, I always try to reply.

Happy Reading!

As always.




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