Chapter 13

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Ashara traced her hand over Jon's bare chest as the moon rose in the sky. His dark eye's gazed into her light hazel ones. They were lying on the leaf covered ground with Jon's cloak covered over their bare bodies.

Ashara smiled, admired the ring on her finger.

"Where did you come across such a beautiful ring," Ashara asked looking at her ring then at Jon's beautiful face, "What will my father think." She worried, her body shaking, before Jon could answer her first question.

"I don't care," Jon started, "I love you and I do not want to lose you, your father can piss off."

Ashara playfully smiled and slaped his chest.

"We should get back, knowing Dand he will come looking," Ashara stated with her chin on Jon's chest.

Jon sat up with Ashara and he started getting his clothes back on. When Ashara sat up and removed the cloak from her body, she gasped. There was blood on the leaves, came from her.

Jon looked down in shock and kneeld beside her.

"Shh it's ok," he said trying to calm Ashara. When Ashara's breathing came back to normal she quickly put her dress and dusting herself off and removed the leaves from her hair, she and Jon made their way back to the village.

I am a lady now, not a virgin, she thought, her body shaking slightly. She was Jon's and Jon was hers. She knew if anyone found out Jon would be sent away or worse, hanged.

Ashara, Jon and Dand spent the next three days helping the village people rebuild. Houses were cleaned and rubble was moved. The village looked more and more lively.

The whole village came out when the group had to leave. Little Janyance, was sobbing she didn't want Ashara to leave. Ashara even heard Janyance call her Mother once. It made Ashara think of her unknown mother. She promised Simo and Alcon that she would talk to Cormag when she returned.

"I have to go now," Ashara said to Janyance as she huged her. Jany didn't want Ashara to leave.

"Please don't go," she sobbed, "Your the first mummy that stayed."

Then Ashara got a wonderous idea.

"Why don't you come with me," she said to Jany.

Janyance's face lit up with a huge smile.

"Go collect your things," Ashara said and Jany scurried off.

When Jany came running back with a small fabric pack. Ashara helped the little girl onto Horas. Jany waved good bye to the village and told them she would be back soon. Jany looked all around smiling as they trotted along. Jany had rarely been out of the village.

The markets were bustling as the group entered the city. Women and children running around to all the different stands. Men shouting to sell their products. Fruits, flowers, wines, the aroma filled people noses. Jany looked around slightly scared, never in her lift had she seen this many people, only for the Westeros army that attackted.

Up the road there were to Ariies army men on horse back, they came up to Ashara.

"Your highness we did not expect to see you back for another day," the one with long blonde hair said.

"Yes well plans change," she stated, "I need to speak with my father right away on a very important matter."

"As you wish, my lady, but he is in a meeting with the council," the older one with short brown hair said.

"We will take you right away," the blonde haired one stated turning his horse.

Ashara turned Horas to face Jon.

"Jon take Janyance to the market, and Dand stay with them just for saftey reasons," she told the two men.

"But Ashara with all do respect," Dand started, "I think I can escort you to the castle, and your squire and the girl will be fine."

"Dand it is fine, I want you to stay with them. That's an order," she said before trotting off with the two soliders.

When Ashara entered the castle and stood outside the council chamber doors the only words she could make out were, targaryen, attack and Joffery.

She knocked hard on the polished dark wood door.

"Enter," she heard a male voice.

She pushed the large doors open and saw four men and Cormag sittig around a stone table. The four men instantly got up and bowed.

Ashara nodded and they sat back down. There was a chair beside Cormag and he started, "My dear daughter, come, sit, we do not have that much ot talk of."

For the next while Ashara rarely payed attention to the conversations, no one cared of her opinion.

When the concil members left the chamber Cormag asked Ashara, "Has there been something going on between you and Jon Snow while you were on your journey."

"No," she lied, "Why do you ask?"

"Lord Dand sent me a hawk saying that you two were getting close. I must remind you the only reason Snow is still breathing is that he agreed to be your squire."

Ashara just looked down and nodded.

"You need to push aside any feelings you have for him and perform your duties," Cormag said standing.

"Just like the you pushed the message when Joffery attacked and killed innocent people of  the central village people," she said firmly, and standing up straighter.

"How did you find that," Cormag asked looking at his daughters blazing eyes.

"We were traveling and came across the carnage, we stayed for the whole journey and helped them."

"Ashara," Cormag started.

"No, I will not hear any of your excuses," there was a long pause between them, "Give me the hawk that you sent to the King of Westeros and the Targaryen."

"I do not know what you are talking about," Cormag stated angrily.

"Don't play dumb, I heard what you were talking to the council," she gritted her teeth.

"You are just like your mother," Cormag shouted and stormed out of the chamber, slamming the doors.

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