Chap 1. Normal School Day

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Most chapters will be short, but that I'll probably mean that there will be more updates. Pic up, to the side, or to the front is what Sang is wearing today. Cover pic is Sang.

Chapter 1

Normal School Day

Sang's POV

I woke up a 6:00. It is normal for me to wake up at that time. I get the first shower, I can go to the woods and walk around for a bit and still get back in time to make breakfast and catch the bus to school. I have it all worked out in the mornings. The routine works well too.

I get up and exit the comfort of my bed and drag myself tiredly to the bathroom. I slowly ease myself under the steaming water of the shower and wash. I then exit and change. I've walked the woods so much that I can walk it wearing heels. I like pink. A pink dress, some tights pink nail polish, silver bird earrings, some pink heels, a pink and silver watch is what I decide on wearing. Then, I put a slick of pink lipstick on and a cat-eye flick at the corner of my eye. Rushing to do my hair, I slip it up into a simple bun on top of my head and put a headband on too.

I look myself in the mirror and think to myself, I don't look that bad, actually, and set off into the woods. I follow the trails that I could walk blindfolded and go off trail for a little while. I look at my watch and see that it is time to get going back home. I trek my way back and enter quietly. I ease up the back stairs, silent as a mouse.

I touch up on my make-up and brush my teeth, then walk downstairs to start breakfast and prepare my school bag. I hear rustling upstairs and instantly know that my family have woken up. They slither downstairs together, just my sister and mother. My dad is on a business trip, I remember. They come into the kitchen and tell me to eat, and then leave to go to school. I do as they say, knowing that it will avoid commotion and drama that none of us need this morning,  and drive to school in my black SUV.

The rest of the week goes pretty much the same, until, on Friday, I remember what was going to happen,and my promise to myself. I would go and help whoever is gonna get thrown over, that I,myself would be the one to get thrown. I mean, I actually know how to fall without hurting anyone.

I wait anxiously for the warning for Friday Falls is about to begin. The worst part about it, is that the teachers, they encourage this and let it happen with no warnings or precautions to the kids.

Suddenly, bringing me out of my thoughts, a shrill alarm rings throughout the school. The time I have been waiting for has come. I slowly creep up the stairs and see that the guy is about to be thrown over.

I go over to the guy, and tap his shoulder. He turns, and I punch him in the throat. He falls to the ground, (not over the rail) the guy in his clutch crawling away after a look of gratitude expresses on his face. I give him a small smile and then I feel someone pick me up from behind. A chilling voice ripples through the silence, making a shiver of fear rush down my back. "You stop someone going over, you go over, whether you are a girl or not." Then, I feel a force pushing me over the rail and the sense of flying over-takes me. I almost forget to save the fall, but just in time, I twist my body and forward roll, saving the impact and saving me from any severe injury.

I look up, and see all the guys that were up there looking down at me with wide eyes, and that's when I realise, I'm the first girl to ever be thrown over the balcony on Friday Falls, the day when one GUY gets thrown over, and, because of me, I think I stopped that tradition. I felt a rush saving someone, and I think that it is addictive.

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