Chapter. 23 How much longer do I have to live like this? - Kota Falls in Love.

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*to start, I just want to say that I wasn't sure where I was going for this chapter, so it's a bit... I'm not really sure. It is part of the original story and is a bit random but I hope you enjoy it none the less.
*second, isn't that picture above or to the side so cute? I found it when trying to come up with what to write, and it gave me so much inspiration that while it's a little unusual, I had fun writing it.
*third, I'm sorry it took so long... I intended to post it a few weeks ago, but yeah, I'm sorry...

Kota's POV

I watched on the sidelines with a worried expression on my face, and my own soul wallowing in it as well.

She was walking around, wobbling on her feet, like she had no idea where she was going. Her hair was messy and her face was deathly pale, her cheeks flushed a light pink. Just looking at her made me want to put her in a bubble to keep her from hurting herself.

In case you didn't guess already, Sang Sorenson, my sweetie, my ten, was sick.

I knew she worked hard all the time, kinda like us, but with her small diet, size and sleep patterns, she was definitely much more prone to getting sick than we were.

But still, she refused to take a break. She kept working, walking, moving and fighting.

"Sang, sweetie, why don't you take a break? If you keep working like this you're gonna--" she collapsed before I could finish. Her forehead was burning up and her breathing was going ragged.


"I'm ok... I'm alright... I'm just... A... Little... Tired... I can't... Afford... To-" her voice is raspy and dry, like sand paper, and all I want her to do is lie down.

I sit her down on the couch, dig for a blanket and snuggle her up into it. Looking over at Max, I give him the look, meaning he is to protect Sang while I'm gone. "I'm gonna go get Doctor Green for some medication, stay there, please don't move Sweetie..."

She nods and settles herself down comfortably. As she drifts off, seemingly in a heavy doze, Max comes and settles himself on top of her. The sight is adorable. Had I not needed to hurry...

Never mind.... I took the picture anyway.

Getting my shoes on along with grabbing the car keys, I ran out the door on my way to Doc, in the hospital.

"Doc, Sang's sick, what do I do, she has a temperature, she's tired, she's not eating, she collapsed, what do I do.." I said in a rush, trying to get the words out, so we could fix the problem as quickly as we were capable of.

"Shes sick? We should probably go as soon as we can. Pookie is family, and family comes first after all!" He had a goofy smile on his face like usual, however you could tell that he was worried. His eyes were swirling with concern.


When we finally got back to the house, I juggled with my keys clumsily until I managed to slot the key in, turning the key quickly.

Inside, was a red faced, flushed Sang, sleeping. Even knowing that she'd be okay with Dr. Green looking after her and making sure she got better, I found myself counting her now visible toes poking out the bottom of the blanket she was snuggling into.

1... 2... 3... 4... 5...

1... 2... 3... 4... 5...

All ten toes, slightly curled into the back of her feet.

I counted again, and again and again, twice, thrice, four times. Her breathing was still light and slow. Still sleeping.

"Wake up, Pookie! We're gonna make you better and put you back to you're walking and working self again." Dr. Green's voice broke me out of my counting and checking. Sang shuffled her legs closer to her curled up body, letting out a low groan of annoyance.

Her sparkling, tired green eyes slit open slightly, her head poking out from being slightly hid under the blanket. She sat up slowly, Max sliding off her to lie on the floor and continue to snooze.

"What time is it?" She grumbled quietly. Her face was so flushed and her forehead shone slightly from sweat, some of her loose hair sticking to her head.

"No need to worry about that, we're gonna get you better!" Dr. Green answered before examining her and giving her the medicine she needed to take, giving her a glass of water and a sugar cube.


After a few days, she was up and about again, and ignoring the fact that she had been sick, just days ago.

"Honestly. She needs to remember that she's not alone anymore. After all... I love you, ten."

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