Chapter. 24 You're our friend, right?

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In case you didn't read the comment I wrote on Chapter 22, a couple of days ago, my Nan who had a rare type of cancer that only 4 in a million people get, passed away. So if I update more, know that the reason for that is because I'm trying to keep myself busy. The chapters might be shorter as well. My average was around 840-900 words, but it might be closer to 700 now, so if you notice that then I'm sorry, but as I said, updates will probably happen more frequently. I'm especially fired up because the next book in the series came out and I'm in the process of reading it now.
The last chapter was a bit more of a one-shot, and I might do one for each character. If enough people comment that they want that, then it'll happen. But anyway, keep in mind that this will lead on from chapter 12, the last real chapter to the story.
Enjoy the chapter!


Sang's POV

It had been a few days since I went to Sean in the infirmary, and each day since then, he made me come to his office to check the wound, feed me and give me my medicine. During that time, we had come to be closer as friends, but we still remained a professional relationship when in classes.

"Sang? You alright? You looked you zoned out for a bit then. Are you thinking about my fabulous self?" Sean's flirty but well meaning words dragged me out of my thoughts. Giggling, I shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess I sorta was, I was thinking about how these little visits have been making us closer as friends, which I appreciate... so... uh, thanks." I awkwardly coughed into my hand, slightly angling my face away from him.

Hearing him chuckling, I saw him get up in the corner of my eye, walking towards me. I slowly lowered my hand, seeing him directly in front of me. I stared at his chest, refusing to look up at his face in embarrassment.

"Hey, look at me." His voice was serious now, not scary, but serious. I shook my head, my cheeks dusting a light pink.

"Sang, look at me." His hand cupped my chin gently, tugging it upwards slowly, making sure that he doesn't scare me. Even when my face is pointed directly towards his own, I keep my eyes looking away.

"Sang, please look at me." Hesitantly I flit my eyes over to his face, before raising my eyes to meet his gorgeous green orbs. His eyes are soft, gentle, and friendly.

"Sang, don't be embarrassed about calling me your friend. Or the others. We all consider you our friend as well, so I'm happy to hear that you think the same." He wrapped his arms around me, and I leaned into his warm hold, tucking my face into his right shoulder and wrapping my own arms around him as well.

The door to Sean's office opened, and both me a Sean jumped apart hastily. So hastily in fact, that I fell back, into whoever had walked into the room.

Please be one of the boys, please, please, PLEASE, be one of the boys. I prayed silently in my head.

Warm arms wrapped around me, saving me from the collision. "Miss Sorenson?" I heard a deep, slightly husky voice by the ear, hot breath ghosting on the shell of my ear.

I yelped softly, jumping away quickly, before almost tripping over my own feet. Arms quickly wrapped around me (again), steadying me, before stepping away, releasing me reluctantly.

"Sorry, Mr Blackbourne." I apologised slowly, staring into his molten silver eyes, seemingly softening under my gaze.

"Don't worry about it, Miss Sorenson. Dr. Green, have you finished with her examination? It appears that morning registration will be happening soon, and Miss Sorenson will have to be present at homeroom." His voice was authoritative, more demanding than curious.

Sean smiled happily, "Of course Owen, all I have to do now is give her the medication for the day and she can go on her merry way." He shuffled over to his desk, pulling out my pills, and a bottle of water.

Passing them to me quickly, I took one of the pills into my mouth, before washing it down with the water. I smiled at the two teachers, before waving, setting my face, and leaving the room like a badass.

Time for hell.

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