Chap.12 Everthing Goes A Bit Wrong

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You might notice if you've been following the story from the original chapter for this one, that this chapter is different. Well, that's because I read back through the chapter, and the meme I used was so cringy. It's gone now, consider yourself lucky that you can't come back and read it anymore. It was truly awful.

Chapter 12

Everything Goes A Bit Wrong

North's POV

I feel the lingering feeling of her thin, small fingers running over my scalp. It was heavenly. And trust me when I say that I'm not one to go all gooey over things like this.

But this was Sang. Everything about her was amazing, and the most incredulous thing about it, is the fact that she doesn't even know it. How could someone so perfect be so insecure? But I knew the answer.

If what Kota thinks is right, and what Victor said she told him, we could be dealing with an abused bird here. She has the same look in her eyes that I knew all to well.
That, lost, haunted tint in the depths of color in her eyes, reminded me of everyone on my team.

Kota, with his dad, Nathan, with his dad, Victor, his dad, Silas, the death of his mother, who had been killed by his brother, Luke, being neglected, Dr Green, when he had been abandoned outside the hospital he was born in, Gabe, with the death of his biological family, Mr Blackbourne has hid it well, but I still see it, and we all know his story of how his father had killed his mother, and consequently, that left him with an abusive father, and me. Like a lot of my teammates, it was my father. He abused me a lot while we travelled and blamed it on me because of the fact that I was weak.

I understand why she is so insecure. So does the rest of my brothers. We had all been there, each and everyone of us, nod time or another.

That's what abuse and neglect does to people.

Sang's POV

The hallway was quiet for a little while. I basked in that tiny amount of silence that I was graced with.

Then there was chaos. I fought back, but some of them were to good of fighters for me. I won, but not unscathed.

I knew I had to get to the nurses office. One of them had had a knife. I was stabbed, and didn't quite fancy bleeding out. I started walking towards the nurses office, holding my side firmly, to try and stop the bleeding.

I walked in, and saw Dr Green sitting at the desk in the tiny room. "Hey Miss Sang how are you-" I cut him off quickly.

"Currently bleeding out if you don't hurry your ass up." I let go of my side, showing him the blood. His eyes widened, before telling me to take my shirt off and lie down on one of the cots.

While he is dealing with my wound on my side, he asks me what happened. I gave a small laugh. "Everything went a bit wrong." I tell him, before explaining what happened. He doesn't overly seem impressed, and I was proved right when he started lecturing me about being careful to avoid situations like this.

And then in walked Mr Blackbourne. "Sean, Miss Sorenson hasn't shown up for- what happened?" He roared. I cowered back slightly. Not enough to be noticed, though. I blinked at him, and apologised, before saying that if I attended his class, I might of died, with Dr Green nodding feverishly, agreeing with me.

"Sorry, Owen, but she's not wrong." Mr Blackbourne blinked, anger and lividness swimming in his beautiful pools of silver that is his eyes. I gave a sharp intake of breath as Dr Green out pressure on my side. It really hurt. Mr Blackbourne's eyes widened.

Is anyone going to tell me what going on here?" Dr Green and I shared a glance. I smirked.

We both turned to Mr Blackbourne and replied to his calmly, "We had a good time!" I giggled, and Dr Sean openly laughed. Mr Blackbourne looked perplexed and slightly vexed. It just made it funnier.

When we calmed down, wiping silent tears from our eyes that had fallen in our combustion on spontaneous laughter. "Sorry, he was helping me stop the bleeding from my wound."

I've never laughed that much before  I swear, I think to myself, in the short time that I have known nine special boys, I've been shown more care and had more fun than I have had in my almost sixteen years of living.

The thought makes me smile. Not everyone is like how my mother has made me think of them. Not everyone is axe-murderers or rapists or kidnappers. There are genuinely nice people out in the world. But my mother does not think of that. She looks on the bad things and focuses on them so much that she doesn't even look at the good things that does happen in the world.

I wasn't allowed to have friends. She wouldn't let anyone in the house, nor would she leave it to meet anyone. So how would she know what people were actually like.

I once told her that, but she wasn't too impressed to hear about my opinion on it. I tried so hard to get her to like me so that now I know that it was a wasted effort. I don't know what I ever did to her but sometimes it feels like just by simply being born she hates me for it. What do I have to do to get her to like me?

Will I ever find out why she doesn't? Those are all questions that I don't know if I will ever know the answer to.

It's one of the only puzzles I can't figure out. But then again, so are the boys.

Why they wanted to stay with me and be friends with me I will never know. However I know that it won't last all that long. Because no matter how hard I try, I'm always left behind by the people that I thought cared about me, and every time it happens, my already broken heart cracks just a little bit more.

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