Explaination for the last chapter.

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Ok, so some people were confused on what happened to Sang in the last chapter.

So I'm gonna explain it and clear it all out the best I can. Sorry if it still doesn't make sense to you after, I am trying my best!

Ok, so, Sang patrols the hallway when she sees an innocent kid beaten up, left on the floor bleeding and alone. I don't know if I mentioned that in the last chapter or not but yeah, she goes to help the poor kid when the guys that she suspects did this to to kid and they jump her. She fights back, but they are really good fighters and she knows that she is out-numbered, but keeps going and eventually wins. But just before she won the fight, one of the guys that hurt the kid stabs her and she goes and yeah, you probably understood the rest.

Hope that that cleared everything up, I'm planning on getting a chapter up soon! Keep reading and the comments that you have left for me really are warming my heart and making me want to write more and more for you guys! Not to mention the fact that I now have over 3k reads! Thank you to all of those who have continued to support me since the start. You all mean the world and beyond to me.

Love you guys sooooooooo, sooooooooo much!


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