Chap.10 Help

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Pic above is my own work.

Disclaimer: I sadly don't own Sang or any other characters unless I introduce them at the beginning of a chapter. Read on, my little readers!

Chapter 10


Sang's POV


"Sang, what have I told you? Don't tell anyone!" She hissed angrily. I flinched away from her, and she laughed a crazed, psychotic laugh. It terrified me.

"I-I don't understand!" I cried, miserably. This women is crazy, and I was one of the limited people that knew that. She is is a very reserved women, rarely went out, not a bad word spoken against her, a considerably snotty attitude when it came to people who she disliked, and had a very sweet (perhaps overly too sweet) attitude towards people she did like or wanted them to like her.

"Let me show you what happens to bad little WH*RES!" She hissed before grabbing my hair in her small fist, and throwing me against a nearby wall. I feel the familiar sharp stab of pain as she carved yet another word into my back. The thick red liquid dripped slowly off my back, wetting the floor. I didn't cry.

Crying in this house was pointless. No one would come and help you.

******dream over******

I jolted awake with fright. That was one of the most direct nightmares I'd ever experienced. I jumped out of bad quickly, splashing my face with water in hopes to wash it away. The futile effort woke me up, but didn't help.

make it easier or possible for (someone) to do something by offering them one's services or resources.
"they helped her with domestic chores"
synonyms:    assist, aid, help out, lend a hand to, lend a helping hand to, give assistance to, come to the aid of, succour, aid and abet; More
serve someone with (food or drink).
"may I help you to some more meat?"
the action of helping someone to do something.
"I asked for help from my neighbours"
synonyms:    assistance, aid, a helping hand, support, succour, advice, guidance, solution; More
used as an appeal for urgent assistance.
"Help! I'm drowning!"

No one wants to help me. I'm just too broken. They give up on me and forget. But I can't. I can't forget. Every memory is like a stab agony, forcing me to carry my demons, the ones that I will remember until I die. The ones that I will take to the grave.

I snapped out of my thoughts and threw on some clothes. I noticed with a large smile on my face that everything I had chosen to wear was pink, my favourite colour since forever. I matched it with some pink make up and did my nails, too. What can I say?

I decided to go straight to school today. There is a lot I need to clear up. So of the good teachers want some statements from those of the students that were there, and I wanted to be there early.

I jumped into my car and left. It didn't take long to get there, even though the school was around 5 miles away. It takes longer when you ride the bus, and that's why I wanted to get my licence and a car so that I wasn't late to school. It happens sometimes, believe me.

I said my statement, knowing that the teachers would take my side because they know how I'm trying to fix the school to the best of my ability. It's not really that easy. I thought it would be, but I majorly underestimated just how bad Ashley Waters really is. Fights break out randomly, and I am the only person that is really brave enough to stop them. People look up to me, and I have to admit that it is nice to be relied on, but it is just so tiring and sometimes I just really want to give up. But seeing people hurt, it makes my toes curl, my blood boil.

I see red, and I can't help it. I hurt them, then I clean them up and apologise. I, too timid to do otherwise. I don't want to snoop to their level. 

The bell rings, reminding me that I shouldn't really be in school. It just turned 6 am. Legally, I'm only allowed to be at school now. I'm allowed though. I should check up on Greg, I need to make sure someone found him and helped him. I've had enough of him though. He is a sick, twisted b*stard. How could he do that to a poor, innocent girl? And in the middle of a hallway. I feel a shiver of disgust run down my spine, my stomach lurches quickly, and I'm worried that I'm about to be sick.

I put a hand over my mouth, and luckily, nothing comes up. I rub my eyes tiredly.

"You should get some sleep. You look absolutely shattered." Came a voice from behind me. I swivel around gasping, my feet feeling unsteady as I stumble on my feet. Whoever it was, scared me.

"Give a girl a warning next time... Luke?" My voice wavered when I said his name. What the hell so he doing here at this time of the morning? I'm so used to it only ever it being me, the school and staff. It was different, and I didn't know if I liked the change or not.

"In the flesh." He bows slightly at the waist, a grin evident on his lips. I can't help the giggle the passes my own. His eyes lit up a shade and his grin widened significantly.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him slowly, not wanting to come off rude, but merely curious.

"Is there rule saying that we can't be here?" Another voice calls from a slight distance. I turn again, a little more prepared this time and I see North jogging towards us.

These guys get weirder and weirder the more I see him because North's hair was...


I'm leaving you on a cliffy. Sorry I haven't updated in a while.

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