Chap.9 Trust Is A Delicate Thing

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Chapter 8

Trust Is A Delicate Thing

Victor's POV

When I saw Sang at the school, well after hours, as we rushed there because we had had a call to get there ASAP, I was confused. I remember all of us had seen her asleep, curled up against a tree, asleep, and when we woke up, she wasn't there. The next thing I know, we are at school, and I see her sitting there on the floor with a girl, who was crying her eyes out. I saw her speaking to her softly, and the other girl nodded slowly, before walking away, slowly.

Sang got up her figure shaking with what I would guess is rage, and stalked towards Greg (the guy from the hallway this morning). She started spitting angry words at him, and he smirked at her. Good luck surviving her while she is this angry, I think without any emotion. He's probably done something to deserve it, anyway.

He seemed to push her over the edge, and she leapt at him, after circling him like a predator would to its prey. She kicked him in the face, and the wimp passed out. She didn't stop, though. She continued hitting him in the face. It was almost like she was tin control of what her body was doing.

Finally, she turned away from him, looking down at her hands. I looked down too, and saw that they were covered in blood. A mixture of hers and Greg's. She looked up, and we all came out of our stupor. Dr Green ran over to the girl and started to clean cuts, and gave her cream that would allow the bruising to go down quicker. Silas and North went over to Greg, hauled him up, and took him to the nurses office, leaving him there, so that the next person that went in there could help him. Prolong the suffering and pain, I think.

I walk over to Sang, take her hands in mine and I walk over to Doc. I take the stuff I need and start to clean her knuckles. She seems to be lost in her own head, so I focus on what I'm doing. I see Mr B on the phone to someone. Nathan and Kota are talking quietly, Luke and Gabe are lost in their own heads too, but are somehow talking to each other at the same time.

I sigh. There is more to this girl than she lets on. She seems to snap put of her thoughts, and whispers something, "Trust is a delicate thing." She takes a deep breath. "Can I trust you?" I'm so shocked about what she said, that I almost didn't answer.

"You can trust us." I whisper. Even to my own ears, I hear that my voice has a hint of desperation that seems to make her laugh. I love that sound. I decide, she sounds happy, almost child-like.

"Well, how much can I trust you?" She asked back.

"As much as you want to." I shoot back.

I hear her take a deep breath, and says something I never thought that she would ever say.

"My mother stabbed me today. It's not the first time." She says, before passing out for the second time today.

More of a filler than a chapter but I was desperate to update so... Hoping to update today or tomorrow.

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