Chapter 21. Why? (Part eight)

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Can you guess who I'm gonna make suffer next?

Begins with G...

Some of you might already know...

Ends in L...

You should all know by now...

Yeah... it's Gabriel. My dear, artistic Blue-eyed, misunderstood Coleman.

Let's ruin him...

But, your likely gonna smile in this, since this is much lighter than the original ones so far, so...



Gabriel's POV

Hey. This is the usual f*cking sob story you all know.

It was a car crash. A motherf*cking car crash that took it all away from me.

My baby brother...

My mother...

My father...

My life...

My happiness...

My everything...

All gone, and yet I survived.

And I swear on my dead mama's life that I will live to the fullest in her memory... I will live for her... I know that is what she would want.

I wanted nothing but to have my family back.

Then there was Pam.

It was -and still- is an unusual relationship. She was awkward, overbearing, nosy and attracted to the worst kind of men...

And it was more me looking after her than what it was supposed to be...

But still,

I liked her.

She was a f*cking great mother.

Not necessarily her boyfriend f*cks... or that money stealing habits and nicknames from them all, but I still appreciated that she never left me out to die. I could go to Victors for the night and it would be ok, and...

She always backed me up.

She always told them to leave me alone.

Though, one thing I wouldn't miss about her, would bad the mother*cking condoms, or her thinking that I was gay...

We all know that I'm perfectly straight, right?

I f*cking thought so.

Sometimes, I wonder why all this sh*t happened to me. It was... not fair.

So I put up a front that I was outgoing and confident...

But I'm not.

I'm insecure, I'm confused, I'm scared, I'm unsure and I'm not good at nothing.

But I'm still happy.

I have great friends, a perfect love interest that would probably never love me back, a great mother, and an overall normal life (excluding the Academy).

I was living the best I could.

I wish my mother could see me now...

I wish I had gotten to know my baby brother...

I wish I could of hung out with my father...

I wish you could all see me now...

Are you ok?

Are you proud?

Did I do good...




I hope you're in a good place, and I can see you soon...

I miss you...

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