Chap.5 Saved by the bell

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Pic of Sean

Sang's POV

"I hesitated slightly. Not enough for someone to notice, but I know I did. Where am I supposed to begin? How much can I tell him? Can I trust him yet? I took a small breath, and prepared myself to say something close to the truth, but slightly twisted. I mean, my life is a mess, and he doesn't really care anyway. Nobody cares for me.

"Well-" I start, but am suddenly cut off by the bell. Talk about saved by the bell? What was I thinking? You can't just spill your guts to someone you just met, no matter how much you want to. I scold myself inwardly, and gave him a shy smile, hoping it wasn't showing just how glad I was they the bell had rang, just when I was about to start telling him about my sorry excuse of a life, watered down of course. I wouldn't be able to tell him the truth. Maybe not ever.

He smiled back slightly. If that was what you could call it. The corner of his perfectly plump lips up-turned only about a millimetre, no more and no less. Yet, it was so perfectly done that it was obviously a smile that was made for him- to suit the rest of him. He was so perfectly chiselled and structured, that I felt uncomfortable standing next to him when I was so... Plain.

I sent one last look at his perfection, then slowly turned away from him. I walked out the door without a second glance, even though I felt his piercing gaze on my back, slowly burning holes through me. Why was he so curious? What was it about me that made him so... So... I don't even know the world to describe it as.

I couldn't stop thinking about it.

As I slowly trailed around the school, looking for any problems that was in need of helping.

It was quiet, but I knew that silence was a bad thing. I started looking more closely, and saw small drops of blood leading down the corridor. I followed it, and was led to an old closet that wasn't being used anymore. I opened the door, and gasped at what I saw before me. There, slouched and unconscious, was Gabriel, one of the boys that I met this morning. I screamed, when I saw the message on the wall, in the thick, angry crimson liquid. 'Faggots don't deserve protection, his protector couldn't save this one in time anyway!' I slowly but surely went over to him, and helped him out of the closet.

He groaned, and I checked his pulse. It there, I observed, but only just. He opened his eyes groggily, and gave me half lidded instructions on where I should take him. I abided quietly, afraid that if I spoke, my voice would show my silent sobs that were racking my body.

I slowly became aware that I was outside a school office door. I knocked gently, and the door was swung open suddenly and a flirty, but stern voice demanded, "What do you want NOW Mr Hendr- Om my God, what the hell happened to him!" His worried gaze glanced up at me, and they widened. He took in my tear streaked face, and my shaking figure, and pulled me and Gabriel in. He handed me a tissue, and helped me lay Gabriel down softly on the ground. He checked his vitals, and started to clean his wounds, and putting a weird looking ointment on the bruises.

My crying ceased slightly. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut, afraid to look at him anymore. He looked so bad, so hurt, and I was that caused his pain. I felt a small flash of stabbing ache at my heart, I had failed someone under my protection. Rationally, I knew that I couldn't save everyone, but the other part of me, the stronger side of me, couldn't help but take the blame.

I felt a hand under my chin, and my eyes met a sparkling green pair. He looked at me with concern. "What happened to him?" My eyes watered.

"It's my fault." I whispered. "He was under my protection, and yet he still got hurt, I was only 5 minutes late." My voice shook badly, reminding myself that even though I may not seem like it, but I'm still a kid too, but I had to grow up a lot faster than most kids do.

"Slow down. What do you mean? Spell this out for me so that I can understand." He said softly, almost pleading for me to do so, he was desperate to find out what happened.

"This school is messed up, really badly. I still remember the last Friday Falls, and I was the one who had to stop it. I had to stop another innocent kid go over the second story balcony. By doing that, I went over. I landed properly so I didn't hurt myself, but that doesn't really matter. I now help people avoid bullies, and stop them before it gets out of hand. It just did. That was Greg, the school drug, I think. He is the only person in this whole school that would dare to do that. He was under my protection, spits my fault he did that. And look at the message. It was left the, too. On the wall, in Gabriel's... B-blood." I said slowly. His eyes widened, and looked behind his, and that's when I saw him. Mr Blackbourne. I handed the green-eyed man my camera, that I keep on me at all the time, in case something like this happened.

His worried eyes quickly turned into rage filled eyes. It wasn't an emotion that suited him, I noted, glad for the distraction. He passed my camera over to Mr Blackbourne, and in as a result, his face shifted from calm, to anger, and back to calm again. He hides his emotions. I wonder why.

There is more to these guys than I know.

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