Chap.7 Punishments (PART TWO)

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Pic above is Jade.

Jad's POV

Why are all those hotties surrounding her? HER! I am so much better and they don't even look at me! They will though, I willmake sure of that. Laughing, I walk down the hall, hatching my plan.

Sang's POV

I dipped my head into my hands in despair, feeling as though I have failed Gabriel. Feeling as though I have failed his friends, feel as though I've failed myself. That was hoe I felt for the remainder of the day. Other than that, it was normal.

The day flew away like a blur, like always, and soon, it was time to go home. I felt my heart sink to my toes when, as soon as I opened the door, my mother started to scream at me. My dad just watched, standing there emotionless. Apparently I did something so ludicrously bad that I had to be 'punished'. Yeah right, more like tortured.

I sat threw it all, not showing any signs of pain (even though it did really hurt) and she didn't seem to like that (like always) but soon got bored and screamed at me to to go to my room and not to be seen again. I nodded thickly, and scurried away to clean my wounds.

I climbed out of my window, and thought to myself how unfair life is. I was already punished enough about my failure to Gabriel. I don't need the extra pain. I'm already giving up, but I'm hanging on for those who need me at school.

I started singing softly as soon as I was out of earshot of my house, or rather the place I stay at.
(How Do You Love Someone)

Momma never told me how to love
Daddy never told me how to feel
Momma never told me how to touch
Daddy never showed me how to heal
Momma never set a good example
Daddy never held momma's hand
Momma found everything hard to handle
Daddy never stood up like a man

I've walked alone, broken
Emotionally frozen
Getting it on
Getting it wrong

How do you love someone
Without getting hurt
How do you love someone
Without crawling in the dirt
So far in my life
Clouds have blocked the sun
How do you love, how do you love someone
How do you love, how do you love someone

I was always the chosen child
The biggest scandal I became
They told me I'd never survive
But survival's my middle name

I've walked alone, hoping
Just barely coping
Getting it on
Getting it wrong

How do you love someone
Without getting hurt
How do you love someone
Without crawling in the dirt
So far in my life
Clouds have blocked the sun
How do you love, how do you love someone
How do you love, how do you love someone

It's hard to talk
To see what's deep inside
It's hard to tell the truth
When you've always lied

How do you love someone
Without getting hurt
How do you love someone
Without crawling in the dirt
So far in my life
Clouds have blocked the sun
How do you love, how do you love someone

How do you love someone
And make it last
How do you love someone (love someone)
Without tripping on the past
So far in my life
Clouds have blocked the sun
How do you love, how do you love someone
How do you love, how do you love someone, someone

(End of song)

I heard twigs snap behind me just as I finished the song. And slowly, became aware that whoever was there was clapping quietly. I gasped, and turned on my feet, and saw Nathan. I breathed a sigh of relief, when I saw that it was him, and wasn't some random stranger.

"I didn't know that you could sing." He said softly, approaching me like I was an endangered animal. I gave a dark laugh. He looked almost confused.

"That's because I'm not great at letting people in, so nobody really knows." I smile, darkly, before snapping back. I give him an apologetic look, when I see that his expression shows hurt. "Sorry about that, I lose myself sometimes to my demons. And I have a lot of them." I realise that at some point I had sat down, leaning against a tree.

I gently stand up, wincing as I felt some of the stitches I had to do, coming out, and tearing at the skin. Grimacing, I pull up my shirt and see the worst stitches I had to do were bleeding out. Nathan stares at it in horror, before picking me up, and running out of the woods and in front of a house that was familiar. I look around, and see my house. My eyes widen, my mouth in an 'o' shape, and wriggle, afraid that he is taking me home.

But I calm down when I see that we were standing in front of a different house. He knocks gently, and I see Dr Green answer the door. That was all I saw before black dots clouded my vision, and darkness claimed me as it's prisoner.


Sean's POV

There was a gentle knock on the door, and we all argued about who was going to get up and answer it. It was a very vicious game of rock, paper, scissors.

I got up, annoyed, and ready to yell at whoever was at the door. My words left my head when I saw Nathan standing at the door, with a panicked look on his face, and a certain blonde haired girl in his arms.

"What happened, Nate?" I asked softly. He shrugged his shoulders in the universal sign of the 'I-don't-know'. I let him in, and noticed that there was a thick, seemingly crimson liquid on his white shirt. I looked down, and saw Sang's stomach bleeding out really badly, almost like she had been stabbed, and attempted to stitch herself up.

I can't say anything at the moment, but I soothingly took her from his arms and checked her pulse. It weak, I realise, but it's definitely there.

The next set of shocked reactions, were much worse than mine, as everyone was talking at the same time.

"Sang Baby!" North.

"Princess!" Victor.

"Sweetie!" Kota.

"Cupcake!" Luke.

"Trouble!" Gabriel.

"Miss Sorenson?" Owen.

"Angele Mou!" Silas.

And then the simultaneous, "What happened to her!"

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