Chap 13.Why? (Part one)

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Yay! I know it's taken forever, but chapter 13 is up now! Are you guys proud of me! I hope you enjoy! I'm a little caffeine high right now so some of this chapter might not make sense but I don't know yet! Thanks for the 4K reads! It means so much to me!

Without further a-do...

Chapter 13


Mr Blackbourne's POV

Why is it always the amazing girls that take your breath away, just by looking at you, or being in the same room as you?

Why is it always the girls that no matter how hard you try to stay away from her, because you know she will change everything without even realising it, but you just can't help but feel drawn to her?

Why is it that the girl that you fall for and would do anything for that always seems to get hurt?

Why is it that when she does get hurt, you want to tear apart the one responsible for her pain?

Why does it have to be Sang?

She's so perfect in every way, because of her flaws and imperfections. How is it that this one short, amazingly beautiful girl could tear my whole team apart, and not even know if she does it or not?

I know I'm not the only one that has fallen for her, or in the process of doing so. You can tell that my team like her too. I'm scared for her, I can see that her heart is big enough to love all of us, but what if she wants to just choose 1 of us, and run off with him?

Why am I second guessing myself so much when she is around?

Why does she make me feel this way?

These are all the thoughts that were going through my mind when I ran to the nurse's office, where Sang and Sean were. I had a deep dread in my stomach and I knew something bad had happened to her.

I had a feeling deep in my stomach that she was there, but I needed to know why.

I needed to know.

I'm desperate to make sure that she is alright. If she wasn't, I wouldn't ever forgive myself. I would blame myself everyday of my existence.

I burst through the door, reminding myself of a savage beast, I don't know what I said, it wasn't me that was talking. It was my demon. The demon that seems to get pleasure from thinking about my students in a way that I know that I shouldn't. With Sang around, it seems like my demon takes control.

I haven't known her for long at all, but I can already tell that if she asked me to do anything, no matter how stupid it is, I would do it, just to see her smile light up the room.

Because that's what love does to people, right?

Is this what love feels like? Why do I love a girl that I feel like I can't have? One that I barely know at all?


Just a filler. I hope you liked it. This is like he vulnerable side of Owen. Did you like the way I did it? I've decided that if you have an idea that you want me to put in my story, message me, and I'll do my best to use it. I'll also be doing a Q&A if you want me to and I'll answer the best I can.

Love you guys with all my heart, soul and mind,


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