Chap.11 North's Hair...

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Chapter 11

North's Hair

... "Is there rule saying that we can't be here?" Another voice calls from a slight distance. I turn again, a little more prepared this time and I see North jogging towards us.

These guys get weirder and weirder the more I see him because North's hair was...
Sang's POV

North's hair was an obnoxious neon pink. To make it even more unbearably funny, on North's face was set into one of the most furious scowls I have ever seen. I lifted a finger to my mouth, pinching them shut, so that I didn't laugh at his... Colourful hair colour choice.

"Go ahead," North sighed, "laugh it all out." That was all the encouragement I needed. Within seconds, all you could hear was mine and Luke's choking giggles. I noticed that North's scary expression softened slightly as I continued to laugh at his misfortune. I calmed down, enough to ask him what happened.

"Luke and Gabe dyed it." He said, in an annoyed tone.

"Do you want some hair dye removal shampoo? It's suitable for girls and guys so... I always keep it on me. You won't have... Bright pink hair for the rest of the day?" I replied, biting my lip. I hope he saw this as an offering of kindness, and not an insult.

"Thanks, Sang Baby." He replied softly, giving me a gentle smile. I returned the favour with a smile of my own, ignoring Luke's background whining about how I was, "ruining his fun". I simply replied to him that if your kind to someone, they will hopefully return the favour.

He looked at me, calculating my slightly bitter tone, as the subject made me think about my mother. I always tried to be nice to her, but she never really returned the kindness in anyway.

I don't know what I did to make her hate me so much, but I might never know. I'm brought out of my musings when North asks me if I could help him wash the dye out. I gave a small, almost sharp nod, and followed him. We went into the men's restroom, not worrying about anyone seeing us, as it was much earlier that students normally wanted to be at school by.

I grabbed the shampoo and started on North's hair.


By the time the dye was out of his hair, it was almost time to go to registration. I dried his hair and told him to wash his hair tonight to make sure that he dye was definitely out, and exited the restroom. I walked around the school, keeping an eye out for anything bad that needed my assistance and for me to help.

I'm tired already, I sighed. Not enough hours in the night to sleep, I thought miserably. I almost didn't see the guy that I was going to walk into before it was to late. I looked up, ready to start yelling about the guy watching where he was going, until I saw exactly who I had walked into, or who walked into me, however you want to saw it.

There, standing in front of me was Dr Green, and he was staring down at me with a confusing smile gracing his plump, kissable lips. I started thinking about how much I wanted to kiss them, to be the only girl to ever claim them as my own, when he started shooting questions at me.

I couldn't answer them all at once, so I just nodded, got up, smiled at his, and giving a little, friendly finger wiggle type of wave, before walking away. I'm bumping into everyone today, I think, a promise of a smile starting to stretch at my lips, begging for me to let the smile loose.

I thought back to when North had pink hair. Funniest thing I've ever seen.


I didn't bump into anyone else for the rest of the day, but my focus was still off. I couldn't concentrate at all, no matter how hard I tried, throughout almost every lesson. Today, Mr Blackbourne seemed a little more used to the area that was now my violin classroom, adapting pretty quickly. He asked me if I wanted a refresher in anything, and asked me what I already knew and what my musical grade was.

The day flew by, it was nice. But I guess that's what made me dread going home to be punished for something I probably didn't do.

Pathetic, huh? I pretend to be all tough at school so I don't get walked all over, but as soon as I get home, I let myself becoming the punching bag to my own mother, while my father stands there watching,  of bothering or caring enough to help me. My sister always stood on the sidelines, too, feeding our mother lies about what I had supposedly done wrong.

I thought families were your best friends, the ones to trust and the ones that would be with you through thick and thin, before this all started happening, and it's a shame that it was only a childhood dream or wish, or whatever you want to call it. It is not nice at all though.

The feeling of hopelessness in your own home, the fear of a sudden movement from a family member, maybe not even if it was sudden, that someone will hit you, hit you because you aren't born in the right family. It absolutely sucks.

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