(Chapter 19) Special Part

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*just so you all know, starting from now, special parts will appear either out of nowhere but makes sense when you read it, or at holidays such as Halloween and Christmas. I'm also hoping to do it for birthdays of the characters or just in general, random.

Going back to school

Sang's POV

"Do we HAVE to go back?" Dr. Sean complained for the hundredth, no millionth time. It WAS cute to start with how he whined like an innocent cat, but it was starting to get on everyone's nerves.

"Yes, Sean. You have to get back to working there, or at least do you're job! We're on a mission, and we have to complete it." Mr Blackbourne replied, with his eyes filled with anger, and yet his voice remained calm and collected.

"Sang, my destiny baby, my pookie ,will you run away with me? We can get you away from your family, and your responsibilities at school! Wouldn't that be great!" Sean exclaimed, moving over on the ground so he could rest his head on my lap as he laid down next to me. I rolled my eyes before replying softly,

"Sean. I can't leave yet. You'll have to wait before we go off doing any running away. Besides, I should face it head on." He looks up at me with his twinkling green eyes, filled with mischief and playfulness.

"So you'll run away with me later?" He pouted, a smirk soon taking over as his eyes redirect to Mr Blackbournes.

"No!" Before I could even answer, everyone else - including Mr Blackbourne shouted in disagreement.

Mr Blackbourne sits up straight, before adjusting his tie and clearing his throat. "She's not running away, she's going to school like you are Sean, only you'll be her teacher." He stated calmly, watching as Sean slumped even further into my lap.

"That means I won't be able to get anymore Pookie hugs! I don't wanna go back even more than I did before!" Sean complained loudly, comically crying, covering his face like a baby.

We groaned.

This was gonna take a while, with a lot of bribery.


We walked away from it all, Sean skipping merrily. I had to promise I would give him free hugs whenever he wanted, and that I would come spend time with him once and a while.

An overall good deal, considering it left both of us pretty happy.

And of course, as soon as we got to school in the office, the first thing I did was give him a hug.

"If this is what school will be like from now on, maybe I won't mind going." He murmured to me gently.

"Ditto." I whisper into his ear, closing my eyes as I embraced his warmth.

Everyone hates going back to school, and I love Sean.

And thus, this was created.

Hopefully I should be making lots of chapters to make up for being MIA.

See ya later!

Ps. I really hate school...

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