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Ok, so I know that this isn't an update, but I just really want to a say a huge thank you to everyone of you that reads my story, votes for it and comments on it, it really means the world to me.

I was really surprised when I say just how many people actually read my story. And I realised that all throughout what I have done, there has never once been a nasty comment. And this is one of the reasons I wanted to do this A/N.

I can't even imagine what it must feel like for people who write there own stories, no matter what they write about, to get hate comments. So, I just want to say that if you ever get nasty comments on any of your stories, or already have, you should really ignore it. It's their own personal opinion, but it's your story to write.

If they don't like it, they don't have to read it. You shouldn't have to put up with horrible comments on your stories, just because they either don't like the way that you have written it, or because of the fact that it's not their piece of cake.

Carry on the way you are, and if it becomes to much, report it. I don't want anyone becoming upset because of others putting you down. Don't put up with it. You be you. Delete them. If they succeed to put you down, they will continue until they get you where they want you.

Those people aren't worth your time. You are all amazing people, and I love every single one of you. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Be the bigger person and tell them that it doesn't bother you, even if it does.


Let's of love and kisses,


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