Chap 2. Protection for the people

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Pic at the top is what Sang is wearing today.

Chapter 1

Protection for the people

Sang's POV

3 months later

It was 3 months ago that I was pushed over the rail on Friday Falls. It was 3 months ago since I go that crazy rush when I saved that guy. And it was 3 months ago since I became known as the 'Protector'.

The rush is still there, and since then, I learnt to fight, meaning that I can save more people. Some call me a hero, some people just don't like me and think that I am a brat that spoiled there fun, but I don't care what they think. To let it bother me, I have to give a chair about what they think. And quite frankly, I really don't.

My routine has changed now, too. I can long walk in the woods on weekends and breaks, and in the mornings, I have to train. I can't say that I don't enjoy it, because I would be lying if I said that. I love the feeling of accomplishment when I am finished. I love the control I get when I'm the person who decides what I do. And I love the compassion I feel when I know that because I know a little more than I did the day before and I can save more people with that skill. It warms my heart.

I still don't curse though, and I got a phone so people can contact me when they need me, I do patrols or make sure that nothing bad is going on while I'm meant to be in class. The teachers say that it is ok because I'm giving this school discipline in my own way and putting bullies in there place.

I think that they are sucking up to me because they know that if they don't, I could beat them up and they can't expel me. I won't beat them up though. I only do that to the people that truly deserve it. As far as I know, the teachers don't and they are in my good books.

For now.

I'm patrolling now, actually. Walking up and down the halls, sending people to class, and helping kids that are being picked on.

I'm reaching the end of my time now, too, when I see a bunch of guys that I don't know fighting with Greg and his miserable band of idiots. I know who is right, though.

Greg is a bully. A bad one too. He was the one I punched, and it was his mate that threw me over. People are scared of the lot, it's mostly why they turn to me for help. Not that I'm complaining. Not at all. I would rather they come to me than to suffer on silence.

"Greg, what's up with this image here?" I ask innocently. He turns to me, letting go of the guy he was punching, and growled at me. I raise an eyebrow and he notices his mistake.

"Scram, I'll let you off for this one time, I see it again, you will regret ever stepping foot into this school. Ever. Got it?" I reply, not waiting for his answer. He scurries off with his buds after him. I look over to the rest that I'm left with. 7 guys that I will presume to be new students, and what appears to be 2 new teachers.

I silently ask them if they are ok, and they all nod and introduce themselves.

"Sang." I reply. They all look confused and I smirk. "My name is Sang."

I look at all of them.

North, Luke, Gabriel, Kota, Silas, Nathan, Victor, Dr. Sean Green and Mr Blackboure.

It doesn't help that they are hot.

God help me survive these hotties.

Let them survive this school.

"Good luck at this school," I start with a devilish smirk plastered on my face as I look at them, "you're gonna need it." And that us the last thing that I say to them, not looking back.

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