Chapter 18. Why (Part six)

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Must read... Please? If you still like me at this point?

I'm sorry for the long wait... It's been over a month now since I said I was gonna bring it back, but here I am, and I'm honestly determined to finish this book... Even if it kills me! I hope you enjoy and don't hate me too much! I'll take full responsibility!

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Without further stalling, read on for the actual story you are all here for!

Sean's POV.

Have you ever wondered where you actually come from? Who made you, who loved you, who left you? Have you ever wondered why you don't know those answers?

Does destiny exist?

Does fate exist?

If so, what does it have planned for me?

I suppose that's a bit too deep for a story like this though.

Overall, I can't complain. I have a great father, and an amazing tiger mother who cares for me, albeit sometimes being a bit... Too caring and comparing. But it's thanks to them I know the people I do, became the person I am, know what I want to do... And it's because of the way they raised me and because they raised me at all that I found love in a rather... Hopeless place. I found my true, true...

Destiny baby! My pumpkin! My Pookie! 

So, I suppose things did go well indeed. But it's not fair. It's not fair that she has to go through so much and smile. Why does that happen? Why do they do it? Why do they care to be so cruel when she does nothing wrong!

I guess it's true what they say, you know.

Those who smile the brightest have known the greatest sorrow.

And indeed she has. Her real mother was supposedly raped while underage by her cousin, then had the child and killed herself. It's not fair. It's not her fault... So why? How...

How can she smile reassuringly when her eyes scream for help?

I want her to rely on me... I want her to ask me for help when she needs it... I want her to admit when she needs someone to lean on... Or even if she just wants to hear my voice or lay in my arms.

I'd do anything for her if only she asked me to.

Why can't she see how much I want to protect her, and take her away from anything that will try to hurt her? I want her to be happy!

That's all I want...

So why,

Why does she have to suffer so much! She's so kind, she so loving, she so perfect in my eyes,

So why does everyone try to hurt her when all her deserves is to be happy and safe...

Why can't she just live in piece...

She doesn't deserve this...

Why does fate hate her so much?

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