Chapter 3 - Old Memories

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(Third Person)

(The next day)

Ash woke up the next morning, he looked around and saw that Pikachu wasn't there. "I wonder where he is?" Ash though, he checked his clock and then his eyes widened and he jumped out of bed like a spring and stared at the clock. It was 8:40am, he forgot to set his alarm last night and realised he slept in. "What! Why did no one wake me up!" Ash shouted, he quickly ran around his room packing his bag and getting changed into his clothes. Just then Pikachu came into the room.

"Hey, Pikachu, how come you didn't wake me up?" Ash asked "pika Pikachu" Pikachu said, "you tried?" Ash then said "you could have used thunderbolt on me like you usually do", "pika pi" Pikachu said, "you didn't feel like it?!" Ash shouted, "Oh my Arceus Pikachu, you chose today to not want to of all days", "Pika" Pikachu replied, "Yea, I know I shouldn't need you to wake me up, sorry Pikachu" Ash replied, "now come on, we got to go!" Ash shouted, Ash was now fully dressed and ready to go, Pikachu jumped on his shoulder and Ash ran down stairs, quickly made a piece of toast and ran out the front door. It was now 8:50am, he had to hurry.

When he left the house and got out of his houses drive and onto the street, to his surprise he saw Serena coming out of her house, she was in a hurry too. Ash quickly ran up to her.

"Hey Serena" Ash said, "huh! Ash, I thought you'd be at school" Serena said, "It seems we both slept in" Ash said with a small laugh, "Yea" Serena added with a giggle. "Come on, we'll run there together" Ash suggested, "Sure!" Serena answered. They both started running to school.

They were both running none stop to school and at 8:57am they were almost there. "Hey! I can see the school , I think we'll make it!" Ash shouted to Serena who was a little behind him, "Good! I don't want to get shouted at the second day back!" Serena shouted back, just then, because they where both running really fast, Serena tripped over her own two legs and landed on the floor, hard. "Serena!" Ash shouted as he stopped, turned around and ran to Serena.

"Are you ok?!" Ash shouted as he ran up to her, "ow, t...that hurt" Serena said as Ash got to her, "Serena, what happened?" Ash asked worried, "I just tripped over myself, I'll be fine" Serena replied as she tried to stand up, but she fell back on the floor, " knee" Serena said, "here, let me have a look" Ash said, "um...ok" Serena replied and she moved her sock so he could see her knee. "You've cut your knee" Ash explained, Serena just nodded, "hmmm....I know!" Ash said as he took his bag off his back and opened it and started looking for something, "found it!" Ash shouted "hm?" Serena said as she tilted her head a bit and then tilted it back. "Here" Ash said, he was hold a red handkerchief, he then wrapped the handkerchief around her knee and tied it, "there we go" Ash said as he stood up.

"Can you stand?" Ash asked, Serena tried to stand up but couldn't, "no, it still hurts" Serena explained, "hey. Don't give up 'till it's over, Kay! That's what I always say" Ash said as he offered his hand to Serena, Serena quickly looked at Ash when he said that. She took his hand and he pulled her up, when he did, him and Serena ended up in a hugging like position with one of Ash hands holding hers and the other on her shoulder to keep her balanced.

When this happened, Serena quickly opened her eyes and a flashback started in her mind.


"E...everyone!" A 7 year old Serena shouted, she was wearing a pink dress, pink shoes and a straw hat. "Where did you all go!" She shouted again.

She then saw the bush she was near shake and it scared her causing her to fall over and hurt her knee.

"Poliwag!" Was the word she heard before a Poliwag jumped out of the bush and landed in front of Serena.

It looked at her and then jumped off. "I said I didn't want to come to camp" Serena said starting to cry. "Mummy!!!" She yelled.

The bush started to shake again, and Serena got even more scared and closed her eyes and cried more.

"Poliwag?" Was the word again except this time, it wasn't a Pokemon. A boy the same age as Serena came out of the bush, he had black Raven hair and slightly toned skin, he was wearing a red and yellow sleeveless t-shirt, blue shorts and orange shoes.

"Hey? Who are you?" The boy said as he look at Serena, "huh?" Serena said as she opened her eyes, "My names Ash" he said cheerfully, "what's the matter?" He asked, "I leg" Serena answered, Ash then went and knelt down in front of her.

"Don't worry, I know what'll make it better" Ash said as he took a white and blue handkerchief out of his pocket and wrapped it around her knee which had been hurt. "Now watch this. Pain, pain go away right away!" Ash shouted as his hands circled Serena hurt knee.

"It still hurts" Serena said in a sad voice. Ash then stood up "Don't give up 'till it's over, Kay! Come on" he said as he offered her his hand, she reached out her hand and Ash grabbed it and pulled her up, the strength of the pull brought them both into a hugging position. Serena quickly opened her eyes and pulled away from Ash.

"You stood!" Ash said happily with a big smile, "let's get back to the camp site" he said and he took Serena's hand and walked her out of the forest, as they were walking Serena had a small blush on her face.

----End of Flashback----

Serena pulled away from Ash and looked at him, "there you go, I knew you could do" Ash said, he then did the same smile he did all those years ago. "Um...yeah" Serena said as she turned her head to hide her blush.

"Well, we better start going to school or we're going to be even more late" Ash said with a little laugh. They both started to walk to school again, not running this time. Ash kept looking at Serena to make sure she was ok.

"It's's actually him, the boy who saved me all of years ago!" Serena kept saying to herself as they walked and each time she thought about it, she felt herself blush and she had to keep shaking her head to stop herself.

"It's him.....My crush, when she said this to herself it made her blush....But should I tell him? Will he remember me?" 

Little did she know that when Ash pulled her into a hugging position, he was blushing too.

To be continued...

(Authors notes)

Hellooooooooo everyone, so how was that. My first amourshipping chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. I enjoyed making it. I know this chapter wasn't as long as the second but....well I didn't want to another that long.....yet.

Just like every other chapter I will try to get the next one up as quickly as possible, Also tell me what you thought of this chapter, was it good?

Please leave a like or comment and if you want, recommend to a friend, thank you again.

See you...

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