Chapter 16 - Looking after you

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(Two days later)

(Third Person)

Monday morning Ash woke up at 7:00am to his alarm clock. He sat up in his bed and pushed the button on the alarm to stop it. He then got out of bed and stretched his arms. "Alright. Time to get ready for school" Ash said to himself. He then got changed into his usually clothes and went downstairs to get his breakfast.

When he got downstairs he saw his mum making breakfast in the kitchen."morning mum" Ash said as he walked into the kitchen. "Good morning Ash" Delia said, "just in time. Breakfast is ready" she said. "Awesome!" Ash shouted. He then went to sit at the table and waited. Pikachu followed him and was sitting on the table waiting for his food.

Delia soon came to the table with a plate of food and a bowl of Pokemon food. She gave the Pokemon food to Pikachu and the plate to Ash, "eat up" Delia said. Ash and Pikachu then started digging into their food. Delia then went to get her food and came to the table, sat down, a started eating her breakfast. After they had finished, Ash leaned backwards on the chair. "That was delicious, thanks mum" he said. "No problem Ash, I'm glad you liked it" Delia replied. They then washed their dishes and went into the living room and sat on the couch.

They talked about stuff until Delia had to go to work at 8:30am. After Delia left. Ash and Pikachu relaxed on the couch, waiting for when they had to go.

----10 minutes later----

Ash checked the time on his phone. It was now 8:40am. "Alright, time to go Pikachu" Ash said as he stood up. "Pika" Pikachu said, he then jumped onto Ash's shoulder. Ash walked to the front door, opened it and went outside. Shutting the door behind him.

He then walked onto the street. When he did he saw all of his friends coming out of their houses and onto the street. "Hey Guys!" Ash shouted as he ran up to them. "Hey Ash" they all replied. Ash then looked around. "Hm? Where's Serena?" He asked. "I think she's still at her house" Misty replied. "I'll go get her" Ash said as he started running towards Serena's house. He walked up to the front and knocked on it. A few seconds later, the door opened. "Hello?" The person at the door said, it was Grace. "Hello, is Serena in?" Ash asked. "Hello Ash, sorry, Serena can't come today, she's ill so she's staying off" Grace explained. "Oh, ok" Ash said in a sad tone. "I hope she gets better soon" he said. Grace smiled at him. "Thank you, now you better get going before your late" she said, "right" Ash replied as he ran off.

Ash ran back to the rest of his friends. "Where's Serena?" Misty asked. "She's ill, so she's staying off" Ash answered. "Poor Serena" Dawn said. "Well, we better get going" Gary said, "right" they all replied. They all started walking to school. On the way to school they talked about stuff.


Serena was lying down under her bed cover. "Uhhhhh....why do I have to be ill" she said quietly. Grace then walked into the room with a glass of water and a thermometer. "Serena..." Grace said. Serena turned in her bed to face Grace. "How are you feeling?" she asked. "Not good" Serena answered. Grace sat on the bed and Serena sat up. "I'll look at your temperature" Grace said. She then took Serena's temperature with the thermometer, she looked at it. "Eighty five point six" Grace said as she stood up off the bed. "Your staying in bed" Grace explained. "OK" Serena said. Grace then handed her the glass of water. Serena drank some of it and then put it in her bedside table. Grace headed towards the door. She turned to Serena. "Get some rest ok, I'll check on you again later" Grace said before leaving the room.

----With Ash----

Everyone arrived at school it was now 8:55am they decided that they would all walk to their lessons. When they got to their lessons. The bell went and first lesson had begun.

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