Chapter 10 - Over for Tea

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(Third Person)

Ash woke up the next morning at 12:30pm. "Ahhhhh!!!!!" Was the first thing he shouted as he fell out of bed. "Pika" Ash heard Pikachu say to him. "It's Sunday. Can you not let me sleep" Ash said. "Pikachu" Pikachu replied. Ash had just fell out of bed because Pikachu woke him up with a thunderbolt. Ash stood up and heard his mum. "Everything ok up there!" She shouted. "Yea. Pikachu just woke me up!" Ash shouted back down to her. "Oh. Ok!" She shouted to him.

Ash looked at himself in the mirror, her was a mess. His hair was all spiked up thanks to Pikachu's thunderbolt. And his Pj's were scorched. "Pikachu. Next time. Lay off the power of that thunderbolt. I need new Pj's now" Ash said. "Piiiika" Pikachu said rubbing the back of it's head.

"Well. I'm going for a shower" He said as found a towel and went into the bathroom.

----15 minutes later----

Ash came out of the bathroom and walked into his room. Pikachu wasn't there. "He must have gone downstairs" Ash said to himself.

Ash got dressed into his usually clothes then went downstairs to get some breakfast.

"Hey mum" Ash said as he walked into the living room. "Hello"  Delia replied, she was sitting on the couch watching TV. "Pikachu's eating in the kitchen with Froakie" Delia said. "OK, thanks. I'm gonna go get my breakfast" Ash said. He then walked into the kitchen.

"Pika" Pikachu said to greet Ash. "Hello Pikachu" Ash said. "Hello Froakie" he added. "Froakie"  Froakie said as he was eating. Ash got a bowl of cereal. Sat at the table and ate his breakfast. When he finished he heard his mum shouting him. "Ash look, you're on the news" Delia shouted. "I am?" Ash said as he ran into the living room and looked at the TV. "It's on about yesterday" Delia said. Ash had told her everything that happened yesterday so she knew what the news was on about.

---On the news----

"Yesterday. A trainer by the name of Ash Ketchum saved a Garchomp that was rampaging around Luminous City" the reporter said.

The screen then started showing clips of Ash following the Garchomp and climbing Prism Tower. "As you can see, Ash Ketchum, without any fear, followed the Garchomp to the very top of Prism Tower, the biggest building in Kalos" the reporter said while the clips were playing.

"Ash Ketchum was very brave in yesterday's events. After saving the Garchomp and stopping its rampage. A Pikachu, who was on the tower with Ash, had fallen off the tower and without a moments hesitation, Ash had jumped off the building to save the Pikachu. Luckily Ash and the Pikachu were both saved by the Garchomp who had recovered and jumped after the two"  the reporter continued.

"This trainer is a great example of the bond that trainers and Pokemon can have. Trusting each other with their own lives. What heroic deeds will Ash Ketchum do next. Only time will tell" the reporter said. "And that's it for us today, back to the studio" the reporter finished.

----Back with Ash----

"Awwwwww. Ash your a big hero, aren't you" Delia said. "Hehe" Ash said rubbing the back of his head. "It wasn't that big a deal. I just did what anyone would have done" he said.

"Don't be like that. You did an amazing thing. Be proud of yourself" Delia said. "OK" Ash said as he smiled at her. "Anyway. Mum I'm gonna go out. See if any of my friends want to hang out" Ash said. "Alright then. Be safe ok" Delia said. "I will" He said as he walked to his Pokemon.

"You guys want to come?" Ash asked them. "Pika" Pikachu said, "Froakie" Froakie said. "Alright. Return Froakie" Ash as he held out Froakie's pokeball. Froakie then disappeared into the pokeball. Pikachu jumped onto Ash shoulder and then Ash walked to the front door. "See you mum" Ash said. "Bye" she replied. Ash then opened the door and went outside. After he got outside he closed the door behind him and walked onto the street.

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