Chapter 9 - A new friend

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(Authors note - hello everyone, welcome to chapter 9, I know this isn't a long chapter but I just wanted to make a short one where Ash gets a Froakie. Never the less. I hope you enjoy it)

(Third Person)

Everyone arrived at Professor Sycamore's lab, it was now 6:30pm, they all walked inside the lab.

"Well, today was something" May said as they walked in, "you can say that again" Iris said. When they all got through the entrance, they looked around the room.

"This place has seen better days" Professor Sycamore said as he saw pieces of glass and bricks and knocked over furniture. "Hehe....sorry Professor" Ash said. "No need for you to say sorry, this was because of that Team Rocket. I guess I better get this place fixed up" he replied.

"We should get going" Drew said, "my mum will kill me if I get home late" he said. "Right" everyone said. "See you Professor" they said. "Yea, see you on Monday" he replied.

They all turned around, when they did, Ash was hit in the face with frubbles. "Wah!" Ash shouted, they looked where they came from, sitting in front of them with a pokeball next to him. Was Froakie.

"Froakie?" Ash said as he walked up to him. "Froakie" Froakie said, it then knocked the pokeball that was next to it closer to Ash.

"It's seems that Froakie wants to go with you Ash" Professor Sycamore said as he walked up behind them.

"Really?" Ash said, "do you want to come with me Froakie?" He asked. "Froakie" Froakie said happily. Ash then turned to Professor Sycamore. "Is it ok Professor?" Ash asked.

"If that's what Froakie wants, of course it is" Professor Sycamore replied with a smile. "Thank's Professor" Ash said, he then turned back to Froalie, kneeled down and picked up the pokeball, he then turned the pokeball so the part with the button was facing Froakie. "You ready" Ash said. "Froakie" Froakie said as it jumped and hit the button on the pokeball. Froakie then disappeared into the pokeball, the pokeball closed, quickly shook three times and then sealed.

"We'll have lots of adventures Froakie" Ash said, the pokeball then shook, showing Froakie was agreeing. Ash then stood back up.

"Awesome Ash, you got a Froakie" Clemont said. "Yea, my first Pokemon from Kalos" Ash replied. "We really need to get going guys, it's six thirty five" Drew said. "Right, see you Professor" everyone said as they walked outside and started walking home. On the way they were talking about the day they had.

"Oh. Ash. Did I mention" Gary said. "What?" Ash asked turning to him. "You're an idiot" Gary said. "Yes've said that like a hundred times now" Ash replied, a little annoyed. "I get it. But please stop calling me an idiot" he said. "OK" Gary said. "Idiot" Gary quickly said. "Gary!!" Ash shouted. "Sorry. Sorry...I'll stop" Gary replied. Ash just rolled his eyes.

They all reached Vaniville Town by 6:55pm.

"Alright guys, I better go. See you" Drew said as he ran home. "I'm going too, bye" Barry said, "see you guys" Paul said, "better be off then, see you" Gary said, "later guys" Kenny said.

Everyone else walked together to their houses. "Guys, I'm going in now. See you" Clemont said, he then to his house and went inside with Bonnie. Ash, Serena, Misty, May, Dawn, and Iris then kept walking to their houses.

"Alright, I'll get going. See you" Ash said as he turned towards his house. "Oh....Serena" Ash said turning to her. "Y-yes" she replied, "um...about before....At the tower" Ash said, "'s alright....r-really" Serena said, she had a small blush from remembering the hug. "Oh...o-ok." Ash said, "well...I better get going. See you" he said as he walked to his house, opened the door and went inside.

Serena just breathed out "few...." she said to herself. She turned to the rest of girls to see them leaning towards her. "Um....guys?" Serena said. "What does he mean? About before?" Misty asked, "Wh-what...N-nothing" Serena said. "Something happened. Tell us" the girls kept saying.

"It...Its nothing really...just" Serena finally said. "Just what?" They asked. "Hmmmm" they kept saying as they leaned closer to her. "He hugged me!" Serena shouted. She instantly covered her mouth. "Ohhhhhhh" they all said, grinning at Serena's red face.

"Why'd he do that?" Misty asked. "I've already said what happened. I might as well tell them why" Serena said in her head. "I-it was...after he jumped off the building...I ran up to him and I was crying....I called him an idiot because he almost died" Serena said, "and...well he....hugged me....and told me he was don't cry" Serena said, she covered her with her hair to try and hide her red face.

"Awwwwww....that's so sweet" Dawn said. "I bet he likes you" Misty said. "W-wh-what....I'm sure he doesn't....he's just really kind like that" Serena said. "I don't knowwww" Misty said. "S-stop it....I.....I'm going home" Serena said, really embarrassed. "Serena. Don't worry...we won't tell anyone" May said. "Thanks" Serena said, walking to her house. When she went inside all the other girls looked at each other. "Awwwwww...Serena's got a real crush on him hasn't she" Dawn said. "Oh yes" Misty said grinning. "Misty...I said we wouldn't tell anyone" May said. "Don't worry. I won't" Misty said. "We shouldn't intervene either. Not Unless Serena wants us too" Iris said. "I guess" Misty said. They then all walked to their own homes.

To be continued....

(Authors notes)

Hello again everyone. I said it wouldn't be too long did I. Don't worry though. The chapters will get long again starting next chapter.

Oh dear. Serena's friends are giving her a hard time aren't they. Do you think they'll keep embarrassing her......yea probably.

Stay tuned for the next chapter. Don't know when it will be up, hopefully by the end of this week.

I hope you can leave a like/vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter. Thank you again for reading and see you next chapter.

See you....

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