Chapter 4 - Embarressment

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(Third Person)

When Ash and Serena finally got to school it was 9:05am, they walked to their class which was Art and walked in, when they did, everyone looked at them, they felt a little awkward.

"Ash? Serena? Why are you so late?" The teacher asked, Serena looked down at the ground, and Ash looked at the teacher. We slept in, sorry miss, we almost got here..." The teacher then interrupted him, "OK, I understand, since it's the second day back I'll let you off with a warning. Try to be on time next time OK" she said "now, you two go sit down, we're drawing designs for a piece of work we'll do later in the year". "Right" Ash and Serena said in unison.

All of the tables were already taken so they had to sit together at a two seater table. The teacher then came and gave then pencils and a A3 piece of paper each and told them to draw whatever they wanted.

"Hey Ash" Serena said quietly so only he would hear, "what's the matter" Ash replied as quietly as her "I...I'm sorry...about before" she said, Ash looked at her shocked, "if it wasn't for me, you would have got here in time" she said in a sad and guilty tone. Ash smiled at her, "Hey, it's alright, don't ever blame yourself, you didn't do anything wrong and....I mean.....I liked helping you out" he said as he looked away and scratched his creek, Serena looked at him and a blush crept onto her face, she looked away, " you...Ash....for not blaming me" she said and still had a blush on her face, "yea....I mean....what are friends me.....there's nothing to blame you for, really" he replied. Serena, with the blush finally gone turned around to Ash and nodded, Ash nodded back and they both smiled and got on with the work.

At the end of class Serena looked at Ash's work, she giggled when she saw it. "What?" Ash asked, "your work. Its a bit of a mess" Serena said when she stopped, Ash looked at his work, he laughed a bit when he saw it, "I guess so, i didn't know what to draw so I just drew what came to mind as it came, I guess that's not the best idea" he said and looked at Serena work,

"wow! Yours looks awesome" Ash said as he looked at Serena work, she blushed at bit at his comment, "I'm a little good at drawing" she said. "A little? This is amazing" Ash told her, "you really think so" she said as she rubbed to back of her head holding back her blush. Ash nodded, "th...thank you" she said. They then left and went outside for their break.

When they went outside they found all their friends standing together and talking, they saw Ash and Serena and waved at them as Ash and Serena walked to them, "hey you two, where were you this morning?" Asked Gary, "well....we.....kinda over slept" Ash said. "Oh" everyone said and they all started to chat about random things.

"Hey Ash, so what Pokemon do you have?" Asked Drew, "yeah, I've wanted to find that out too" Gary added, "well, so far, I've only got Pikachu" Ash said "I think I'll go some where in the weekend to find some more, I wonder what Pokemon there are around here?" Ash wondered.

Serena was thinking to herself for a bit, she was wondering if she should ask Ash if he remembered her, she was wondering if he did, because she hadn't at first. She decided that she would tell the girls about it and ask them.

"Hey, girls?" Serena asked drawing the attention of the girls in the group while the boys carried on talking, "yea?" They asked, "I need to talk to you...alone" she said, all the girls nodded and started to walk with Serena, "we'll be back in a min!" May shouted to the guys who noticed them walking away.

"So what's up?" May asked Serena when they were far enough away so that the guys couldn't hear them, "well..." Serena started, "you know about 2 years ago when I told you about someone who helped me in the forest at professor oaks summer camp?" She asked, "oh yea, him. Don't you mean your crush" misty said with a grin.

Serena's face went completely red, "I...I told you, it's not like that" Serena said embarrassed. "Yea, yea, anyway, what about him?" May asked, "w...well...I found out who it was and I met him again today" she explained, "what! Really, well did he remember you?" They all asked, "I don't know, I only realised it was him after he helped me when I hurt my leg" she explained again. "Awwwww, just like when you were kids" Dawn said. Serena looked down to hide her blush.

"Soooo, who is he?" Iris asked. (author note - yea, she's here too) "um....thats the reason I wanted to talk to you" she said, "you see, he's...the person who helped me is, well..." She pointed to Ash who was stand with the guys, all the girls turned around and saw who she was pointing at, "it's Ash" Serena said. They all turned to Serena, "no way!" They all shouted, but quiet enough for no one to hear them.

"Wow! Isn't that a surprise, who'd of thought your childhood crush would come back to you" May said, she looked back at Ash and then back at Serena, "you've got a keeper there Serena" she said with a wink, Serena's face went redder than before, "I....I told you....I....Its not like that!" Serena shouted. All the girls laughed at Serena's embarrassment.

"So what did you want to talk to us about?" Iris asked, "well, I want to ask you if I should ask him if he remembers me?" Serena explained, "what kind of question is that, of course you should" May said, "yeah, she's right" Dawn added. "But....what if he doesn't remember me?" Serena asked, "don't you still have the handkerchief he wrapped around your knee when you were kids" Dawn asked, Serena nodded, "then show him that. I'm sure he'd remember you then" dawn explained, all the other girls nodded in agreement. Serena pondered on the thought for a few seconds and then said, "alright, I'll do it tomorrow" she explained, "OK, now let's get back to the guys before they start to worry" May said. They then walked back to the guys. Serena was glad that she asked her friends first, "hey Ash, Serena will have something to tell you tomorrow!" Iris shouted. Ash looked at Serena with a confused look and Serena just stood there. Ok, she took that back, "they better not do anything tomorrow", she thought.

"Hey Serena, what were they talking about?" Ash asked as he walked up to her, " was nothing, really, they were just messing, hehehehe" She replied, "OK, if you say so" Ash replied. "Few..." Serena thought.

Then a voice came out of the speakers around school, it was the headteacher. "Quiet!!!!!!!" He shouted and everyone went quiet as they listened. "All students must come to the schools sports hall immediately, there is a special event taking place and we need everyone together. NOW!!!!" He shouted, then everyone started running to the sports hall. Ash, Serena and the rest of the group of friends just walked. "Man what's with that guy, he seems mad" Ash asked, "don't worry, he's always like that, it's just his personality"  Gary replied. Then they carried on walking to the hall.

To be continued.....

(Authors notes)

Hello again everyone, I hope you liked this chapter, poor Serena, her friends kept embarrassing her, will they cause problems for Serena now they know who Ash is, and what about the surprise, wonder what it is?......well I'm not going to tell you, you'll find out later. (Yes, I'm evil 😈)

So how did you like this chapter I thought ending it here was a good idea, don't want to much happening in one chapter.

One thing, try and guess who the headteacher is, he's out of Pokemon, he's not just called headteacher. (Hint - you'll know him if you watched the diamond and peal anime) If you guess right before the next chapter, I'll give you this cookie. 🍪 tell me who you think it is in the comment section.

Good luck.

Please leave a like/vote or a comment, and if you want, recommend to a friend. Thank you again for reading and see you in the next chapter.

See you...

Pokemon Kalos High - A New Adventure - Amourshipping (Ash and Serena)Where stories live. Discover now