Chapter 11 - Back to School

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(Third Person)

The next morning Serena woke up to her alarm, it was 7:00am. "I'm up" Serena said as she turned off her alarm, she stood up off her bed and stretched her arms. "Alright, time to get ready" she said to herself.

She got changed into her usually clothes and headed down stairs. "Hello" she said to her mum as she walked into the kitchen. "Good morning" Grace replied. Serena then got herself some cereal and put some Pokemon food into a bowl, she then sent out Fennekin.

"Fen!" Fennekin shouted as it came out of the pokeball, "time for breakfast" Serena said as she put the Pokemon food on the table, Fennekin jumped onto the table and started eating. Serena ate her breakfast.

After she had finished, she walked to the front door, Fennekin followed her. "I'm going now" Serena said, "alright. Be careful" Grace said, "I will" Serena replied before heading outside and walking into the street.


Ash walked out of his house and walked onto the street. When he did, he saw Serena. "Serena!" Ash shouted to her waving. "Hi Ash!" Serena shouted back she ran across the street to him. Pikachu jumped off Ash's shoulder and walked up to Fennekin and started talking with her. Froakie came out of its pokeball and also started to talk to Fennekin and Pikachu.

Ash and Serena were chatting when the rest of their friends walked up to them. "Hey Ash, Hey Serena" Clemont said. "Hi" they both said. They all said hello and then started walking to school.

"So. What do you guys have first" Ash asked. "I've got Science" Gary said, "me too" Barry said, "I've got P.E" Paul said. "I'm in maths" Clemont said. "I've got English" Kenny said, "maths" Drew said, "I've got maths" May said, "me too" Dawn said, "me three" Iris said. "English" Misty said, "I've got science" Serena said. "And I've got I.T" Ash said.

"We'll all meet up on the battlefield at break" Gary said, "sure" everyone replied.

"Oh yea. Ash, did you see the news yesterday, you were on it" Clemont said. "Yea, I saw it. But I feel like they're making a big deal of it. I only did what anyone would have done" Ash said. "Your kidding" Gary said, "huh?" Ash asked looking at him. "Your wrong about that" Gary said. "I am?" Ash replied.

"Yeah. Only you would be stupid enough to climb to the top of Prism Tower and jump off it" Gary said as he started to laugh. Everyone else soon started laughing too.

----10 Minutes later----

They all arrived at school at 8:55am, they all decided that they would go to their lessons.

Ash got to his lesson just as the bell went. He walked into his lesson and sat at one of the computers in the room. The teacher wasn't there yet.

"Guys it's Ash" a student in the room said, "the one from the news" Another said, all the students walked up to Ash and started talking to him about what they saw on the news.

"Hey Ash, that was amazing, what you did" one student said, "yea, climbing to the top of Prism Tower to save a Garchomp, that was amazing" another student said, "t-thanks" Ash said rubbing the back of his head.

Then the teacher came into the room, it wasn't the teacher they were expecting. The students didn't notice him at first and kept talking to Ash. The teacher stood behind the front desk and shouted. "QUIET!!!!!!!" All the students jumped and turned to the teacher. It was Professor Rowan, the headteacher.

"Now!" He shouted, "everyone sit down", all the students quickly went to sit at their seats. "Your usually teacher is not in today and so you have me" Professor Rowan said. All the students complained. "QUIET!" Professor shouted again. "Now, you know what you need to do, so get working" he said. Everyone in the class then got on with their work, no one talked, they were to scared of Professor Rowan yelling at them.

----45 minutes later----

The bell rang for the end of class, "alright everyone, that's the end of the lesson. Now get out" Professor Rowan said, everyone quickly left the room and went to have their break.

Ash Walked outside the school and went to the battlefield, he found his friends already standing there. "Hey guys" Ash said as he walked up to them. "Hey Ash" they replied. "I just had the worse lesson ever" Ash said, "really? I.T isn't that bad" Gary said, "no, I like I.T. It's the teacher" Ash said, "who'd you have?" Gary asked, "I had Professor Rowan" Ash said. "Wow. No wonder you had a bad lesson" Gary said, "yea, no one talked either, no one wanted to get yelled at" Ash said, "who would" Gary replied. Everyone laughed for a few seconds and then they all started chatting about stuff.

A few minutes later, a student walked up to Ash and his friends.

"Hey!" the student shouted in a demanding tone. Ash and everyone else turned around to see the person who said that.

To be continued.....

(Authors notes)

Hello everyone, thank you for reading this chapter, I know it's short, but i didn't want to introduce this mystery character just yet. He's being introduced next chapter (obviously).

Anyway. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I hope that you can leave a like/vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter.

Again. Thank you for reading this chapter and stay tuned for the next on. Coming soon.

See you...

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