Chapter 15 - Day At The Beach

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(Three Days Later)

(Third Person)

Ash woke up at 9:30am, Saturday morning. Him and his friends had decided to do something today, they were all going to meet up at the centre of Vaniville Town at 10:30am.

He got out of bed and looked at the time. "Good, I've not slept in" he said, he then got dressed into his usually clothes. Pikachu then came into the room. "Hi Pikachu" Ash said. "Pika" Pikachu replied, he then jumped onto Ash's shoulder. Ash then started to pet Pikachu. "Chuuuu" Pikachu said. "Let's go" Ash said. "Pika" Pikachu replied as he nodded.

Ash then went downstairs, his mum was sitting on the couch in the living room, watching TV. "Morning" Ash said as he walked into the room. "Good morning Ash" Delia replied. Ash then walked into the kitchen and made himself some breakfast, he also gave Pikachu and Froakie some Pokemon food he then sent Froakie out so he could eat. After they were finished Ash returned Froakie, Ash and Pikachu then walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.

"You going out today?" Delia asked, "yea, I'm hanging out with my friends" Ash replied. "Do you know where you're going?" Delia asked, "not yet, we're meeting up at ten thirty and deciding then" Ash replied. "OK" Delia said. They then started watching TV.

----30 minutes later----

Ash checked the time on his phone. It was now 10:20am. "Mum, I'm going to go meet my friends now" Ash said as he got up. "OK, have fun" Delia replied. "I will" Ash said, he then walked to the front door with Pikachu behind him. He opened it and him and Pikachu went outside, Ash then closed the door behind him. Pikachu then jumped onto his shoulder and Ash walked onto the street and to the middle of the street and waited for his friends.

5 minutes later he started to see all of his friends coming out of their houses. When they came onto the street, Ash was waving to them all. "Over here!" He shouted to them. "Hi Ash" they all said as they walked up to him.

"Hellooooo" Someone said. They all looked to see who it was. "Bonnie" Ash said. "Are you coming too?" Serena asked. "Yep" she replied happily. "Hey everyone! Look who I've got" Bonnie said as he opened the top of her bag which was hanging by the side of her waist. "Hm?" They all said as they looked. There was a Pokemon in her bag.

"Dedenne" the Pokemon said as it popped it's head out of the bag. "Wow! I've never seen that Pokemon before" Ash said as he looked at the Pokemon. "It's a Dedenne" Clemont explained. "Wow!" They all said, "my Daddy got him for me" Bonnie said. "That's awesome Bonnie" Serena said, "thanks" Bonnie replied happily. "Denne" Dedenne said. "It's so cute" Dawn said. "Pika Pikachu" Pikachu said to Dedenne as he waved to him. "Dedenne" Dedenne replied waving back.

"Hey guys? So where should we go?" Ash asked. "I've got the perfect place" Misty said. "Really?" Everyone asked. "We can go to the beach" She said. "I mean, it's a great day" she said.

"Didn't we go there last week" May said. "Yea. But that Team Rocket spoiled it for us" Misty replied. "I don't mind" Ash said, "me neither" Serena said. "Then it's settled. We're going to the beach" Misty said, "right" they all said as they nodded. They then went back inside their houses and packed their swim wear, they then all came back outside and met up with each other again.

"Alright. Ready to go" Ash said. "Yea" they all replied. They then all headed to the beach. They chatted about stuff on the way.

----20 minutes later----

They all arrived at the beach, just like the last time they went, there wasn't that many people on the beach so they were able to find a good place to sit quickly. When they found a spot to sit, they laid out their towels on the sand and sat down.

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