Chapter 19 - What is this feeling?

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(Authors Note - This Chapter is going to follow off from the end of the last chapter)
(Third Person)

Ash walked out of Serena's house's drive way and onto the street. He then turned around and waved to Serena. Serena waved back before closing the door to her house. Ash then walked over the road to the other side of the street and into his home's drive way. He walked up to his front door, unlocked it, then opened the door and walked in before closing the door behind him.

"Finally back home" Ash said as he walked towards the living room. "Piiika" Pikachu added, Pikachu then jumped off Ash's shoulder and ran to the couch, jumped onto it and sat down. "Froakie, come on out" Ash said, Froakie's pokeball opened in his hand and a blue light came out of it and landed on the couch next to Pikachu. The light quickly disappeared, revealing Ash's first Kalos Pokemon, Froakie. "I thought you'd want to stretch your legs after being in your pokeball all day" Ash explained. "Froakie" Froakie replied. Froakie then asked Pikachu something, Pikachu replied by nodding and they both jumped off the couch and started running after each other as they ran around the house. Ash let himself fall onto the couch and then sat up. "I guess they wanted to play" Ash said quietly before letting out a small laugh.

"I guess I'll put on some TV" Ash said. He then picked the remote up from the small table next to the couch and turned on the TV to find something to watch.


Serena was sat down on the couch in her living room, she was thinking to herself. "Today was fun" she said happily to herself. She then started thinking about Ash and what they did while at the mall. "It was also embarrassing" she said to herself. "First that shop keeper thought he was my boyfriend and then he helped me pick a dress to wear to my birthday" she continued. Thinking about it all made her start to blush. She quickly shook her head to get rid of the blush. "Ahhhhh, every time I think about him, it makes me blush" she said in her head.

She then took a quick deep breath and stood up from the couch. "Anyway, I better go take the stuff I got today upstairs" she said out loud. She then picked up the bag with her dress and shoes in and headed upstairs.

After she got upstairs she laid the dress on her bed and put the new shoes away in their box. She then opened her dresser and went to her bed, she picked up the dress and went to put it into the dresser, before she put it into the dresser she just looked at it for a few seconds. "I bet this will look great on my birthday" she said to herself. She smiled and put the dress on a hanger in the dresser before closing it and heading back downstairs.


The time was now 6:00pm. Ash was sitting on the couch watching some famous Pokemon battles on the TV with Froakie and Pikachu sat next to him.

A couple of minutes later they heard the front door open. "I'm back!" Delia shouted as she walked into the house. "Hello" Ash replied as he stood up off the couch and faced Delia. "Hello Ash, how was your day" Delia asked as she walked towards the living and sat on the couch. Ash sat next to her before replying. "It was good. I guess" Ash replied as he rubbed the back of his head. "What do you mean?" Delia asked. "Well the guys in the group, including me, got dragged by the girls to the mall" Ash explained.

"Lucky, I would have liked to go to the mall" Delia said. "It wasn't so lucky for the guys" Ash explained. "I mean, the guys had to carry all the girls bags" Ash said. This made Delia laugh a little. "So how many did you carry?" Delia asked. "I only ended up carrying one bag, lucky me. But the other guys were holding at least five bags in each hand" Ash answered. "We all got split into two's and I was with Serena, and she didn't buy much, so I didn't carry much" Ash continued. "I see. Well at least you're home" Delia replied. "Yea" Ash said as he nodded. "Oh yea!" Ash quickly said, louder than he wanted to. "What?" Delia asked. "Serena told me that it's her birthday on the twenty seventh of October. I need to make sure I get her a present" Ash answered. "Awww. That's sweet of you Ash" Delia said happily. "Huh...Y-Yea. I mean. She's my best friend. Of course I'm gonna get her something right" Ash replied. Delia nodded. "Of course" She said.

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