Chapter 12 - Ash VS Calem

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A student walked up to Ash and his friends.

"Hey!" the student shouted in a demanding tone. Ash and everyone else turned around to see the person who said that.

(Third Person)

"So your Ash huh" The student said, "yea, why?" Ash asked. "I'm challenging you to a battle" the student said. "Huh?" Ash said. "Why would you want to battle him Calem" Gary asked.

"Why else. To see how strong he is" Calem said. "I saw you on the news. A trainer like that has got to be strong" he said.

"Maybe you can actually give me a challenge" Calem said with a grin. "He's looks like he thinks he'll beat me easily" Ash said in his head. "Sure, I'll battle you" Ash said. "Good" Calem said, "meet me here at lunch" He said. "Why lunch?" Ash asked. "We need a teacher to watch the battle, so I'll get someone to come to watch it" Calem explained.

Calem then started to walk away, "oh yea. Serena" Calem said as he turned to her. "Yea?" Serena asked. "Have decided to go out with me yet?" Calem asked. "Calem! For the hundredth time, No!" Serena shouted at him. "You will someday, trust me, all the girls do" Calem said and walked away.

"That Calem!" Misty shouted, "he's always doing that, does he not get the message!" She shouted.

"Hey Serena" Ash said, "yea?" Serena asked, "why'd he ask you that?" Ash asked, "he's being doing it since the beginning of last year, he keeps trying to go out with me" Serena said. "Yea! And he just won't get the message!" Misty shouted, "Yea, he needs to know she's already taken, but he won't listen" Dawn said, "taken by who?" Ash asked. "Y...." Misty said but was cut off by Serena who put her hand over Misty's mouth.

"Don't listen to them! They're just angry at Calem, they're saying random things, hehe" Serena quickly said. "Um....Ok" Ash said. Then the bell went. "We better get to class" Ash said, "yea" they replied. Ash and the guys walked off to class but the girls stayed for a minute.

"MISTY! DAWN!" Serena Shouted, "WHY'D YOU HAVE TO GO AND SAY THAT!" She shouted. "Sorry, sort of slipped out" Dawn said, "yea, what she said" Misty said. "You almost told him" Serena said. "Yea, we know. But your reaction was funny" Misty said.

"It wasn't funny! I had to stop you! What would he have done if you told him!" Serena shouted, "I don't know, maybe he'd feel the same" Misty said, Serena face went red. "I-I don't think he would" She said, "why do you say that?" Dawn asked. "W-Well, I doubt he likes me like that" Serena said, "you never know" Misty said.

"L-Let's stop talking about it. I need to get to class" Serena said as she ran to her class. "Hehe" Misty said, "awwwww. So cute" Dawn said, "you know, we should so get them together sometime so they can talk to each other in private" Iris said, "we said we wouldn't intervene" May said, "yea. But their relationship won't get any where if we don't help" Misty said. "Yea, we have to help Serena, she's our friend" Dawn said. May just slightly shook her head. "Come on. We need to get to class" May said. "Oh yea" they all said, they all started running to their class.

----At Lunch----

Ash walked outside the school with his friends and walked towards the battlefield. When they got there, Ash was surprised to see nearly 70 students surrounding the battlefield.

"Why are all these students here?" Ash asked. "Because your battling Calem" Gary said, "is it that big a deal?" Ash said. "Well Calem IS the best battler in the school" Barry said. "He is" Ash said, "well that explains all these students" he said, "we'll have to give it all we've got Pikachu" Ash said. "Pika!" Pikachu replied.

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