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The first class of the day always seems to be the worst one. We didn't really do much stuff in there, just got yelled at by the teacher. The bell rang and the halls filled, I slopped through the halls and may my way over to my next class, math.

I still couldn't get Rain out of my head. I don't know why, everything just seems to be going down hill.

I sat down near the back and waited for the three of them to join me. The new girl sat in front of me and flashed a smile before she sat down in the desk in front of mine. She turned around and smiled again,

"Hi, i'm Navea," She shyly said, she had an accent but I couldn't really tell what it was, "I'm new here." She had lighty tanned skin and blue eyes that just looked like hunks of ice. She had the same hair color as me, but hers is a little but darker.

I really didn't feel like talking to anyone right now, i hoped my friends would show up so I wouldn't have to talk,

"Hi, I'm Warner, and welcome to the school." I said and faked a small smile.

She smiled again and was about to say something but stopped when she saw Kyle walk in. Kyle sat down in the desk to the right of me and winked at Navea, causing her to groan and turn back around. I gave Kyle one of those 'thanks for saving me from talking.' Kind of looks and he put his thumbs up.

Hervey came in and sat to the left of the Navea, he put his feet up on the desk and chewed on the edge of his pencil and shot glances around the room.

Rain was the last on to come in. She sat to the left of me and took out her notebooks. I looked at her out of the corner of my eye and let out a small sigh. I took out a pencil and started doodling on a piece of paper.

The teacher came in and the loud conversations died out into a complete silence. The teacher didn't say much, and he just handed out a test booklet. I heard mutiple sighs through out the room and I sighed myself because I don't think anyone really likes surprise tests.

The test was only 5 pages and I worked right through it. it was simple math so it was easy for me. I looked around the class room, seeing if anyone else finished. I wasn't surprised when I saw Kyle drop his pencil on the desk and pushed his test up to the corner of his desk.

The teacher was looking down at his desk, not really caring or paying attention to us. I opened up my notebook and ripped out a piece of paper. I was bored so I made a paper plane. I looked around and made sure the teacher wasn't looking then I threw it in the air. It soared through the classroom and hit the wall then soon fell to the floor.

"Hell yeah man, paper planes." Kyle uttered quietly.

"No talking." The teacher snapped not looking up from his papers.

I rolled my eyes and made another paper plane and threw it at Hervey, who wasn't even doing his test and found better intrest in the ceiling. He picked the plane off the ground and crumpled it up in a ball and threw it at me. I let out a quiet laugh and threw it back at him. I saw Rain looking at us like she was slowly going to ring each of our necks.

I chuckled and leaned back in my chair, she looked at me and gave me one of those 'if you don't shut up i'm going to throw you out a window' kind of looks, but I did something that wasn't like me; i smirked and winked at her. Why did I do that? I don't know it just seemed appropriate.

I saw her get a flustered kind of look on her face. She tired to play it off with an eye roll and then looked back at her paper. I laughed a little and looked a the clock, wishing for this class to end.

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