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The rest of the morning classes seemed to fly by. By 12:00 pm, it was lunch. I didn't ever buy or bring a lunch, I just usually ate when I got home.

I walked out to the courtyard where my group usually sat and ate. I found an empty table and sat down. I fiddled with a button on my shirt, waiting for my friends. A few minutes past and Hervey and Kyle walked over to my table and sat down in front of me. Kyle bit into his apple and handed a second one to Hervey and I,

"You guys better be greatful," Kyle said taking the apple out of his mouth, "the lunch ladies would have cracked down on me if they knew I took three apples."

"What, are they like in an apple drought or something?" Hervey asked and took a bite of his apple.

"Yes, it's very tragic, millions of apples are dying everyday. Donate now and get a cool shirt." I answered sarcastically and took a bite of my apple.

They laughed for a while then it got silent,

"Hey guys." Rain said and walked over to our table, breaking the silence.

"Yo." Kyle and Hervey said at basically the same time.

"Hey." I said and took another bite of the apple.

Rain started talking about something that happened to her in science class, but I zoned out and looked down at my apple. I couldn't hear anything other than my heart beat, and it was beating faster and louder for some reason. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up when someone violently grabbed my shoulder.

I snapped back into reality and turned around to see a giant kid named Grant, he was probably the most feared kid in school, and he was the guy who basically jumped me on my first day. I didn't have to time to deal with him, I just wanted to enjoy my lunch in peace with my friends.

I stood up and looked him dead in the eye, I made my voice sound a little more intimidating than it usually is and I straighted my back,

"What do you want?" I asked narrowing my eyes

"Oh look at mister tough guy, I'm not here for anything, just enjoying my lunch." Grant said with a unsettling smirk.

I noticed my friends getting up, Rain walked over to me and started pulling on my arm,

"Come on, let's just leave.. we can find another place to sit.." She said, her voice silently begging me to leave.

"Just go, I can take care of this. I won't do anything stupid." I said and she let go of my arm with a sigh.

Grant grabbed me by the coat collar and pulled me to him,

"Why aren't you going to do anything, Street Rat?"

"Because, unlike you, I have common sense and I know it would only make me look bad if i fought with some stupid kid like you." I spat back, sarcastically.

Grant let go of my collar and threw a punch at me. Before anyone could react, I grabbed him by the fist and gripped onto his wrist with my other hand before his fist collided with my face.

My heart was beating faster with every second and I got a quick rush of adrenaline,

"With one simple move, I can break every bone in your fist," I tightened my grip on his wrist and stepped closer to him, "leave now, and you won't have to go to the hospital this afternoon."

I saw the fear grow in his eyes, he was surprised, I'm pretty sure everyone was surprised; hell even I was surprised. This wasn't like me, the me five and a half months ago me would have been a coward and took the beating. I've changed greatly and I loved every second of it.

He pulled his arm away and started walking away, along with the two of his friends that were standing next to him.

I looked over at my friends, Kyle and Hervey had a giant grin on their faces and Rain tried to look like she was mad at me but failed when a small smile escaped.

I sat back down at the lunch table and took one last bite of my apple before I looked up at my three friends who stood there and gawked at me,

"Are you going to sit down and finish your food or are you just going to stand there?" I asked and threw my apple in the near by trash can.

The three of them nodded and sat back down and continued to eat their lunches and started a new conversation while I zoned out again and looked down at the table, not believing that I just did that.

Son Of Gotham (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now