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I walked over to the gym area, thinking it would be a good way to kill time if I worked out for a while. I sat down on a bench and looked down at my phone.

New Text Message From Rain Cloud (yes, my contact name for her is Rain Cloud) Received At 4:38 pm: "Hey, Warner, i'm sorry about what happened earlier."

New Text Message From Rain Cloud Received At 4:41 pm:
"I'm sorry I keep acting weird latley.. I don't know what's been happening to me latley. I feel like a complete mess."

I frowned at the last sentence, I didn't want her to feel like this. I want her to be happy and complete, not like this. I tapped the screen and started typing.

"Rain, you are not a mess. You might feel like it but you're not. I'm a mess and you're a work of art. What did you want to talk about today after school?" I typed out and hesitated before pressing the send button. My whole body started shaking and a shiver ran down my spine. The hair on my arms and on the back of my neck stood up when I saw that she was typing.

Message From Rain Cloud Received At 4:46 pm: "It's nothing. Just something that you said the other night had me thinking.. it's nothing. I'll talk to you later."

I almost dropped my phone I was shaking so much. 'Something I said' what does that mean?! Did I say something bad, did I say something wrong? I stood up and paced around, my heart was beating and only the worst things that could happen kept popping into my mind.

A sudden flood of anger washed over me. Not any anger to anyone else but only anger for myself. I stomped over to the punching bag that was in the corner and slipped on some punching gloves. I looked at the punching bag and another thought popped into my head. I yelled in frustration and threw a hard punch at the bag.

My heart was racing and my face was hot but I kept punching. I threw off the gloves and started throwing punches with my bare fist; which was probably a bad idea. I unbuttoned my shirt and basically ripped it off my body. I threw it in a random direction and kept punching; with worse and worse thoughts popping into my head. I don't know why I was so angry at myself, maybe it wasn't just the anger for myself, maybe it's just built up anger.

I ran my fingers through my hair to keep it out of my face and it stuck up because of the sweat beading on my forehead. I couldn't go on any longer wearing my school clothes, if I mess these up Bruce and the school would hunt me down. I slipped off my shoes and kicked off the khaki colored pants; leaving me in red plaid boxers and a white undershirt.

I breathing heavy and my heart pounded up against my chest. My head hurted and so did my fists. I leaned up against a wall and slid down and pulled my knees to my chest. I sighed rested my crossed arms on my knees then i rested my chin on my arms and closed my eyes.

I got up after a few minutes of cooling off. I gathered up all my clothes and set them in a neat pile and continued to work out in only my underwear. Thoughts kept popping into my head; some good, some bad. I usually ignored the bad stuff and it wasn't that hard to do.

I stayed about 5 hours down there, doing nothing but training in my underwear. I gathered up all my clothes and walked to the elevator.

I stepped inside the elevator and I don't remember it being this cold in here. I pressed the up button and the doors to the elevator shut.

I walked to my room, thankful that no one saw me walk to there in just my underwear. I changed into some simple clothes and walked to the gigantic dining table to find Bruce sitting at the front of the table reading a newspaper. He had on a black suit with a greenish blue ish tie. I sat down in a chair that was on Bruces left side and Alfred brought both Bruce and I dinner.

Before Alfred walked off to enjoy his dinner in the kitchen, Bruce looked up from his paper and looked to Alfred,

"Why don't you join us, Alfred?" Bruce asked setting down the paper.

"Sure thing, Master Bruce." Alfred said and sat down in the chair across from mine.

"How was school, Warner?" Bruce asked taking a bite of his dinner.

I looked down at my food and shrugged, "Its was okay, nothing big happened, just another day at school." I lied and continued to eat my dinner, not really in the mood to eat or talk. I wanted to do nothing but go to bed and get this day over with.

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