▪twenty two▪

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I woke up in a pool of sweat, and I dismissed the thought that I pissed the bed. I got up and grabbed my suit and put it in a plastic bag and threw it into my closet. I walked out of my room and to the dining room and instantly got a giant whiff of the smell of eggs and bacon.

I walked over to the dining the and saw Bruce and Dick sitting in silence. They didnt seem to notice me until i pulled out a chair and sat in my normal spot. Dick looked up from messing with a butter knife and smirked,

"Rise and shine, streaker boy."

"Okay, first of all I wasn't streaking," I protested, picking up a piece of toast, "I just didn't have that much clothes on."

Dick laughed and Bruce loudly set down his paper,

"Do you two mind? I am trying to enjoy my morning." He said shooting glances at the two of us.

"Wait, you aren't mad that I basically ruined your party?"

"No, I was at first, but then I thought it was pretty funny. Why were you outside anyway?"

"I was checking the mail." I lied and took a bite of my toast.

He looked at me then looked back at the paper,

"Okay.. who were you talking to last night?" He asked flipping through his paper

"His girlfriend." Dick blurted in with a laugh

"She's not my girlfriend, she just a um.. really good friend."

"Was she your first kiss?" He asked

"No, the story of that is actually pretty pathetic."

"So she's not your girlfriend, but you want her to be."

"Be qui-" I started to say but Bruce interrupted,

"I am trying to enjoy my morning, I don't need you two bickering. Dick, be quite and eat your food, and Warner eat your food and then get dressed."

"Dressed for what?" I asked

"I'm taking you somewhere."

"Are you sure you want to take him anywhere after that stunt he pulled last night?" Dick butted in with a chuckle. Bruce did nothing but shot a warning look at him.

"Yeah, I agree with Dick, aren't you scared that I might strip down and casually walk around only in my underwear?" I asked, I didn't really want to go anywhere today, I just wanted to stay home.

"Fine, I won't take you, do you want to go, Dick?" He asked and Dick shook his head,

"Sorry boss, I have some stuff to do today."

"Fine I'll just go by myself. Don't need you guys to come with me anyway." Bruce said with a faked sad voice and continued to read the paper.

After breakfast, I headed down to the batcave. Bruce still doesn't know about this whole 'BlackBird' thing, I'm not sure if I want him to know. I walked down to the batcave and started to get ready for my day of training. Dick said he was going to help me today, but I'm not sure if he will.

I started to stretch but stopped when I saw Dick come down and walk over to me. I stopped stretching and looked at him.

Out of nowhere, he threw a plastic bag at me. I slightly flinched and caught the bag in my arms. I opened the bag as saw it was carrying my damp suit,

"How did you find thi-" I started to say but Dick interrupted me,

"Look, I don't want to get on your case about this, but you need a better hiding spot for that. If Bruce just so happened to waltz into your room and look around for no more than five seconds, he would find that and your whole vigilante thing would crumble from under your feet. I don't mean to bug you, just looking out for you, bud."

"Thanks, and speaking of 'waltzing in to my room' what were you doing in there?" I asked and cocked an eyebrow.

"I have my reasons."

"That's not a very good excuse." I protested and before Dick could say some smart-ass remark, Bruce walked in but he wasn't alone.

He was with a girl, maybe around my age, she was pretty tall and had brown hair but towards the tips of her hair it turned into a bleach blonde. She was carrying a trunk but then soon handed it to Bruce.

Dick looked over to the two of them then sighed,

"Hey, I'll be right back." Dick quietly said to me and walked over to the girl and Bruce.

I watched Bruce and Dick exchange a quiet conversation with just their eyes then Bruce walked off.

I sat down on a bench and I looked at the ground then set the plastic bag down and nudged it to the side with my foot.

Dick came back over to me and I watched the girl leave. Dick looked pretty sad, I'm pretty sure it's the first time I have ever really seen him like this. I stood up and looked at him, he flashed a fake smile and took a deep breath in,

"Alright, let's get you ready to kick some ass." He said with an enthusiastic tone. I smiled slightly then started on my morning training.

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