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After dinner, I took a shower then went to bed. The rest of the week was pretty much normal, Rain and I never had the time to talk because she had to leave for the week to go to something with her mom. I didn't mind, just gave me more time to hang out with Hervey and Kyle. I haven't heard a single word from Dick or Tim in the past week and I hope they didn't forget about me.

I woke up and it was an early Saturday morning. I got out of bed and saw the pile of books and papers at the foot of my bed. I got dressed for the day and then headed down to the batcave to continue my training.

When I first started training, I felt like it was the worst thing in the world, now it doesn't even bug me. I actually enjoy it and I feel bored when I dont do it.

I stepped out of the elevator into the batcave and saw Dick and Tim talking to each other while they sat down in spinning chairs. Tim had a very large box near his foot and when Dick saw me, he waved me over to the two of them.

"'Bout time you woke up." Dick chuckled

"I was up late," I said as Tim handed me the box, "wait, what's this?" I asked

"Consider it an early birthday present from us." Tim said

I looked at the both of them as they grinned at each other. I slowly opened the box and saw a mask with a neatly folded hoodie under it, but this hoodie was different. It looked like it was armored out to the max, well for a hoodie. It was black and had gray detail and the mask was a very dark red and black; it looked like it was a mix between Batmans mask and Robins mask. It covered my entire face but kept my chin, lips, and hair free for the world to see.

I sat down, unable to say anything. I was in shock, it looked amazing and I couldn't wait to wear it. I kept digging through the box and pulled out a pair of pants that matched the hoodie. I pulled out a dark red utility belt; black boots and some black gloves.

I looked up at the two of them and grinned,

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

Tim jumped up, "it was nothing, I'll leave Dick to tell you more about it. Sorry to leave in such a hurry, but I gotta go." Tim said and waved to the both of us then left in the elevator.

Dick stood up, "I'm going to teach you how to properly use this thing. I would go get changed of I where you, make it a lot easier for me."

He didn't have to tell me twice. I quickly put everything back in the box and ran to the gym area to change in the locker room with the box in my arms.

I put on the hoodie and the matching pants, I sat down on the bench and tied up my boots then walked over to the mirror and put on my gloves. I took a deep breath with a giant grin on my face then I put on the mask.

I walked back out to see Dick setting up a few dummies. I walked over to him and put my hood up,

"How do I look?" I asked with a large smile.

"You look like a badass, kid."

"So how does this stuff work?" I asked

"Well, the suit is nothing really fancy, just something to protect you. The boots have something I like to call 'silent steps' basically it helps you with stealth. The gloves have a built in tracking device, communicator, hacking system, and a compartment for snacks; you're welcome in advance. Also, if you feel around enough, there should be a small button like thing on your mask, that small button can toggle on night vision and something Bruce likes to call 'detective vision' which is just inferred."

I could have hugged Dick for making me all of this awesome stuff, but that wasn't like me so I didn't do it, I didn't want to freak him out or anything, I nodded and grinned, "Thank you."

"It's no problem kid. Also, do you want to go out on your own tonight?" He asked

I quickly nodded "Yes, of course I would."

"Then let's get you ready." He said with a large smile.

Dick and I spent 14 hours training, some snack breaks in between but other than that, that's all we did. The time was now 10:20 pm and i was getting ready to go out. Dick helped me get all the things I might need together; things like a grappling hook, smoke pellets, 'sleepy darts', ninja like throwing stars and a protein bar.

"I think you're ready." Dick said as he walked me to the exit, "man this feels like sending my kid off the their first day at school."

I laughed, "I think i'm ready too. I'm really excited to just get out there and kick ass."

"Not to eager, here take this," He said and handed me a small black Bluetooth like thing, "its a ear piece, with this little thing I'll be with you the whole time, talking to your from the cave."

"Thanks." I said and put it in my ear. I put up my hood and walked out one of the exits. I looked back at Dick before I grappled my way into Gotham City.

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