▪twenty six▪

122 5 2

I got home then changed out of my school uniform and in to some proper clothes. I ate a small lunch before I started to head down to the batcave.

Once I stepped out of the elevator, I saw Bruce setting up what looked like a training course. He noticed me over,

"Alfred told me you were working on something for me, what is it? If you don't mind me asking."

"I can't tell you yet, you'll find out soon though. Stop worrying about it and start up on you're training." He said and I followed his orders.

<Time Skip>

I only spent about three hours training with Bruce, it was pretty stressful but it was worth it. He helped me out with the whole nunchuck thing. He also helped me with my stealth and fighting skills.

I was up in my room getting ready for tonight's dinner. Bruce had someone come over for dinner and Bruce told me to 'look nice and behave nice or I won't feed you.'

Knowing he was probably telling the truth, I thought it was the best idea to look nice. I put on a black button up shirt that was a little tight around the armpit area but I ignored the uncomfortable feeling because it's the only nice shit I own that looks nice on me. I put on some black pants and some black leather shoes.

I rolled up the sleeves then walked out to the main room. Bruce was securing the entrances to the batcave and he was wearing what he usually did when he ate dinner; a white button up shirt with gray slacks, his black hair was combed to the side,

"Warner, can you run up stairs and grab my watch?" He asked, buttoning up his shirt.

"Yeah, no problem." I nodded then walked to the stair case.

I never really go upstairs, I didn't need to. My room was downstairs, the kitchen was down stairs, everything I needed was downstairs. The only thing up stairs are more rooms, Bruce and Alfred's rooms, and another batcave entrance that I only used once and it made me feel sick.

I walked into Bruce's room and grabbed his steel watch that was sitting on the dresser. I heard the door bell ring and Bruce greeting guest. I walked out of Bruce's rooms and shut the door behind me. I walked back downstairs and saw the only person I was trying to ignore was standing in the door way.

Navea was standing next to father. Her father looked some what like each other, they both have the same golden blond color hair and the same icy eyes. Navea didn't seem to notice me and I know i might sound like a giant jerk right now when I say this but, I didn't want her to see me; i didnt want to talk to her.

I sighed quietly and walked over to Bruce,

"Here's your watch, Bruce." I said as Navea slightly gasped,

"OMG is that you Warner?"

I mentally swore to myself and nodded,

"Yeah, it is. It's nice to see you Navea." I said and flashed a fake smile.

Navea and her father walked in and followed Alfred, who was guiding them to the giant table in the dining room. Bruce walked next to me and put on his watch as he walked,

"Is that the girl Dick was bugging you about?" He leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"No." I simply said and sat down at the table in one of the chairs in the middle area.

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