Chapter 1: The New Girl

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I wave goodbye to my big brother as he pulls out of my coldesack. "Bye John! Thanks for helping me move!" I call as I bring the last box inside.

I set it down and plop down on the couch. Maybe I should make some brownies for my new neighbors.I saw two men jogging by, they seemed nice. I go into the kitchen and look in my fridge. Nothing. I get my purse and head to the store in my tiny car.


When I get home I put everything away. I turn on some music and start baking. After I put them into the oven the doorbell rings. "IT'S OPEN," I yell, setting a timer. I run into the mud room to find two girls standing awkwardly. "So you're the new girl, eh?" The one with blue hair says. "Yup! That's me!" I say in my friendliest voice. "Ugh ignore her," the red-head teases "I'm Nicole, the meany over there is Katelyn." The blue girl is half laughing and half angry "NIKKI!" She says lightly punching her in the arm. "I'm Aphmau! Nice to meet you both," I stifle between giggles. "D-do I smell burning?" Nicole asks. "Oh shoot! My brownies!" I state quickly running to the kitchen. Phew they're fine. "Is that,"Katelyn sniffs the air, "chocolate?" A devilish grin slowly crept onto her face. "Don't mind her. Chocolate is her weakness" Nicole said holding one of her arms back.

I laugh cutting them thick slices. "I was going to bring some to my new neighbors. Bu~ut, it looks like they came to me!" I gave them each a piece. "Thanks," Nicole said. Clearly she was making an effort to be polite, even though she was starving. "Yeah, what she said," Katelyn said with her mouth full. I laughed. "Should I go give some to the people on the other side?" I questioned. Nicole blushed, "If you want, but then I have to run." Katelyn snickered, clearly there was something I didn't know about... "I'll come!" Katelyn said, pulling me off my train of thought. "Okay, let me pack these up," I said bustling through drawers of Tupperware, "You want to at least walk with us, Nicole?" She made a face, "I really have to go, but thanks for the offer, peace Katelyn." She left before I could say goodbye. "She has a crush on one of the boys who lives next door." I was shocked. Firstly because they didn't even know me and she was telling me a secret. Secondly, I didn't know men lived next door. I finished packing I walked next door with Katelyn.

A boy with brown hair and blue eyes opens the door. "Hey Lawrence!" Katelyn says from behind me. "Hey Katie~Kat," he says in a mocking tone, "Who do we have here? She's a cutie. Friend of yours?" I made a face, maybe this was the kind of guy I wanted to hang out with. "This is Aphmau, right?" she looks at me and I nod. "She just moved here," I reach out to shake his hand and he kisses it. I blush profusely. "W-hat was that f-for?" I stammer. "Every pretty lady deserves to be treated correctly, doesn't she?" Well I guess, but I'm not sure if that's the way I want to be 'treated.' "Laurance! Behave! This girl is very nice, she even brought you brownies," She waggles her eyebrows. "She's pretty and she cooks, well I'm smitten!" Laurance says. I laugh at that. "I saw some other guy with you when I was unpacking, are you two roommates?" I inquire peeking around his shoulder. "Oh yeah, that was Garroth, I also have another roommate named Dante, but he's out of town," He says looking behind him too, "GARROTH! Come meet the new girl! She's a beauty!" I begin to blush again. A guy with blond hair comes to the door. He looks me over and starts to blush also, "H-hi I'm Garroth." He's kind of cute, and seems sweet enough... "Oh, hey Katelyn." I handed the brownies to Laurance, "these are for you and Garroth." I sigh. Our hands graze eachother, and I inhale sharply. "We should get going, this gal has to unpack!" Katelyn says, taking my hand. "Okay see you later Aphmau, Katelyn," Laurance says winking at us. "Bye g-girls," Garroth says.


I walk Aphmau home. ""Sooo, which one does Nicole like?" I start to giggle maliciously, "She likes Dante, he's out of town though," He kind of looks like me, blue hair, ya know? "Anyway I better go tell Nikki to come out of her cave," I say shrugging off the conversation. "Maybe I should have some type of house warming party," Aphmau thought aloud walking up her steps, "You guys would totally be invited." Cool. So she likes to party, eh? "We would be there," Nicole and I never get invited to these things after last time... "Bye Katelyn," she says stepping inside.


I step inside my house, "NIKKI!" I yell. Hmm maybe she's asleep. "Fine, I won't tell you WHAT DANTE SAID ABOUT YOU," that'll get her attention for sure. She races downstairs. "Hmmm? What was that?" I started to laugh "You'll never know." That'll get her mad, uh oh. She gave me a death glare. "Fine then you'll never know what Jeffery said about you," Here we go again. Jeffery was my boyfriend, hence the word was. "Ugh, but you tell me first," I curl up on the window seat, Nikki next to me. "Alright, but not because I'm desperate." Suure Nicole, keep telling yourself that, "He said that he missed you and couldn't wait until summer break was over to see you," I sigh. I was the one who broke up with him. He was just so nice. Too nice. Especially to good for a girl like me. "And what did Dante say about me?" she pressed, her eyes hopeful. "He wasn't home you dumby. Out of town." Her face fell. "Oh," she says. "You aren't mad?" I inquires. "Well don't call me crazy, but I kind of sensed it, like his presence was gone. Far away," her eyes gloss over. "Crazy," I say punching her arm. "You hungry? We can get a pizza, my treat!" I was in the mood for something fatty, cheesy. "Yeah, I'm always up for pizza. You should know this, we've lived together for what? Three years?" I laugh. I walk over to my purse to get my phone and call the pizza guy when some one knocks on the door. "Can you get it? " I ask searching for the phone number. "Yeah!" she says skipping over to the door. She almost drops her nail file "D-Dante?"

The next part is here!

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